Record order for Rheinmetall: Bundeswehr orders up to 6,500 military trucks – value up to €3.5bn

Rheinmetall has been given the largest order in the company`s history concerning logistic vehicles by the Bundeswehr. The framework-contract was now signed in Koblenz and incorporates the delivery of up to 6,500 military trucks, valued up to €3.5bn incl. VAT.

After the budget committee of the Federal German Parliament had approved funding on 26 June 2024, the contract with Rheinmetall MAN Military Vehicles (RMMV) was signed on 1 July 2024 by the President of the BAAINBw, Annette Lehnigk-Emden and the Management of RMMV. A first call-off for over 610 vehicles, valued at €312m incl. VAT is imminent, of which 250 trucks are to be delivered in 2024. The financing of this call is mainly based on the special funds of the Bundeswehr. Rheinmetall AG will book the order in the third quarter of 2024 of the current fiscal year.

This framework-contract allows the Bundeswehr to flexibly order further quantities of already introduced unprotected transportation vehicles UTF 5t and UTF 15t-trucks for seven years. In addition to that, a new vehicle category will be introduced via the framework-contract: the 4×4 UTF 3.5t. It has a maximum of identical parts to the UTF family.

“The framework-contract is an essential contribution to a fast fulfillment of demand by the logistic forces of the Bundeswehr”, states Michael Wittlinger, Chairman of the management of Rheinmetall Military Vehicles GmbH. “The standardized vehicle family and the uniformity with vehicles of other beneficiary nations establish the HX-vehicles as the main logistic vehicles within NATO and set a standard for interoperability and logistic efficiency within the Alliance. Once again, this order reflects our leading role in the global market for logistic vehicles.”

“The extremely short period of four months from the invitation to tender to the signature of the contract underlines once more that the turning point for procuring logistic trucks has been introduced”, says Armin Papperger, CEO Rheinmetall AG. “We are thankful for the trust in the products of Rheinmetall.”

Already, the Ungeschützte Transportfahrzeug (UTF)-family has been contributing significantly to the performance of logistic units of the Bundeswehr. In July 2017, the Bundeswehr placed an order at Rheinmetall MAN for the delivery of the new family “UTF military all-terrain with 5t and 15t load capacity categories”. The UTFs are a show-case project which, especially within the procurement, has opened new ways. This was the first time that flexible framework agreements with large quantities have been concluded. Since 2017, more than 6,000 HX vehicles will be delivered to the Bundeswehr by the end of 2024, together with the swap-body loader systems (Wechselladersystem or WLS) and 70t tractor units. A large proportion of the added value at WLS and UTF – over 75 percent – is created in Germany.

UTF and WLS are based on the robust HX-family of RMMV. From the beginning, it was designed for military use and is characterized by high mobility, also in heavy terrain. The large world-wide distribution of the HX-vehicle family offers major advantages concerning interoperability and logistics, especially with respect to multinational missions. In addition to Germany, the user group currently includes the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Austria, Hungary, Singapore, Slovenia, Denmark and Ukraine. The newly placed order highlights the high acceptancy of the tried-and-tested HX-vehicles of which about 20,000 are already in use world-wide.

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Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Rheinmetall AG
Rheinmetall Platz 1
40476 Düsseldorf
Telefon: +49 (211) 473-01
Telefax: +49 (211) 473-4158

Oliver Hoffmann
Leiter Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Telefon: +49 (211) 473 47 48
Fax: +49 (211) 473 41 58
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