Design Trends 2024: What will be important for brands this year

You don’t have to be too much of a prophet to realize: The climate of uncertainty that characterized 2023 will also be with us in 2024. The wars in the Middle East and Ukraine will continue, economic and social challenges will grow in many European countries, and right-wing populist parties gain strength.

2024 will also be the first year in which Artificial Intelligence is a natural part of our everyday lives. While we were in experimentation mode in 2023, more and more companies are asking themselves how they can implement the new possibilities into their processes.

The sounding board that brands use is therefore changing. Priorities are shifting. And so are aesthetic perceptions. What trends does this mean for brand communication and design? The brand and design agency Peter Schmidt Group has taken a closer look and published a compact presentation with the ten most important trends of the year. The clear conclusion: the hyper-realistic aesthetics of AI tools are becoming omnipresent. At the same time, however, they are triggering a countermovement: In order to form close emotional bonds, people need an equally human counterpart. Brands will harness this power and make targeted use of designs that are clearly handmade – i.e. human.

You can download the full PDF here. Of course, not every trend is suitable for every brand. The Peter Schmidt Group advises on this with an expertise from over fifty years of experience. The agency’s clients include international companies such as Mercedes-Benz, Linde and E.ON, as well as consumer, fashion, and lifestyle brands. It is one of the most successful design agencies in Europe and part of the BBDO Group Germany.

Über die Peter Schmidt Group GmbH

Peter Schmidt Group is one of Europe’s top-selling brand and design agencies and part of BBDO Group Germany. With offices in Hamburg, Frankfurt, Dusseldorf, Munich, Lisbon and Tokyo, the agency guides brands along the pathways of change, combining meaningful ideas with fascinating design to create solutions that are immediately effective and a pleasure to work with. Peter Schmidt Group is the lead agency for the corporate design of Mercedes-Benz, Linde and Nivea. Other clients include E.ON, Henkel, Deutsche Bank and REWE.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Peter Schmidt Group GmbH
ABC-Straße 47
20354 Hamburg
Telefon: +49 (40) 4418040
Telefax: +49 (40) 44180470

Guido Schröpel
Marketing & Communication Manager
Telefon: +49-69-850993-36
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