ADLINK at MEDICA 2023: High performance medical AI platforms and medical monitor solutions for clinical environment

ADLINK, a leading manufacturer of high-performance medical devices, will be showcasing a new generation of medical panel PCs (MLC-S) and medical box PCs with powerful graphics performance (MLB-3100/3102) at MEDICA 2023. Visitors to ADLINK’s trade fair stand (Hall 10, Stand G28) will be able to see the performance of the new products and discuss them with experts on the spot. MEDICA 2023 is to be held in Düsseldorf from 13-16 November 2023.

ADLINK will be presenting hygienically designed medical panel PCs with high-performance computing power and speeds under the designation MLC-S to the public for the first time. The devices were developed for medical IT tasks in hygiene-sensitive environments such as operating theatres, and enable OEMs/ODMs, hospital planners and distributors to add high-performance medical devices to their range of products.

MLC-S medical panel computers are certified in accordance with EU MDR class I of the EU Medical Device Regulation and provide greater protection for patients and operating personnel compared to products with standard IT certification. Authorisation for integration in larger medical systems is also more straightforward.


  • For the core of the all-in-one computer, ADLINK uses 12th generation Intel® Core™ i3 / i5 / i7 / i9 processors, meaning the very latest processor technology. The high-performance desktop processors deliver optimal computing power, from the straightforward patient data management systems (PDMS) to the high-performance image processing solutions. The key components of the fanless panel computers are produced in-house at ADLINK.
  • The ultra-high-speed data transfer of the medical panel PCs are equipped with a Thunderbolt™ 4 port, reducing the amount of cabling involved and enabling more connections to be made.
  • Hygienically optimised design and safe application were at the core of the development of the AIO PCs. The all-over glass front and screwless design allow for easier and faster cleaning and disinfection. The AIO panel PCs are housed in a fully sealed aluminium housing and are certified for high hygiene standards in accordance with IP54.
  • To enable OEMs/ODMs and hospitals to arrange solutions for operations on a flexible and application-specific basis, ADLINK offers customised product configurations with the performance and equipment features required in each individual case.

The medical box computers with the designation MLB-3100/3102 also on show at MEDICA 2023 feature either 12th or 13th generation Intel Core™ processors. The high performance of the CPUs allows multitasking, more workloads and the simultaneous operation of various devices at the same time. The key components of the medical computers come from ADLINK’s in-house production facilities.


  • The medical box computers are run in combination with embedded MXM GPU modules from ADLINK, which are based on NVIDIA ampere architecture. This enables faster image processing and complex image reconstruction as well as AI-based applications. Latencies can be significantly reduced thanks to the MXM GPU modules, with optimised image, video and signal processing as a consequence.
  • Thunderbolt™ 4 interfaces provide for high-speed data transfers and reduced cabling requirements. The medical computers are compliant with the IEC 60601-1 standard for medical electrical equipment.

Market roll-out for both new products is in the first/second quarter of 2024.

Über die ADLINK Technology GmbH

ADLINK Technology Inc. (TAIEX:6166) leads edge computing, the catalyst for a world powered by artificial intelligence. ADLINK manufactures edge hardware and develops edge software for embedded, distributed and intelligent computing – from powering medical PCs in the intensive care unit to building the world’s first high-speed autonomous race car – more than 1600 customers around the world trust ADLINK for mission-critical success. ADLINK holds top-tier edge partnerships with Intel, NVIDIA, AWS and SAS, and also participates on the Intel Board of Advisors, ROS 2 Technical Steering Committee and Autoware Foundation Board. ADLINK contributes to open source, robotics, autonomous, IoT and 5G standards initiatives across 24+ consortiums, driving innovation in manufacturing, telecommunications, healthcare, energy, defense, transportation and infotainment. For over 28 years, with 1800+ ADLINKers and 200+ partners, ADLINK enables the technologies of today and tomorrow, advancing technology and society around the world. Follow ADLINK Technology on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook or visit

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ADLINK Technology GmbH
Hans-Thoma-Str. 8-10
68163 Mannheim
Telefon: +49 (621) 4321466
Telefax: +49 (621) 4321430

Megan King
Telefon: +44 7855060775
Karen Kulinski
EMEA Marketing Director
Telefon: +49 (151) 126677-36
Chi Angela Lan
EMEA Marketing Manager
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