Heat Exchange as a Service

  • In addition to the sale of heat exchangers, they also can be leased.
  • Billing is on a pay-per-use (PPU) basis, provided by linx4. Within the framework of a subscription, customers only pay for what they actually use.
  • Various service packages for maintenance and digital services are also available.
  • The pay-per-use offer is initially only available for heat exchangers with a focus on heat recovery.

Investing in production equipment must be carefully considered. Can I afford the new acquisition? What do I do during periods of low production? How do I react to economic fluctuations? Smart financing models such as the pay-per-use approach can reduce the financial risk in such cases. This is where "Heat Exchange as a Service" comes in. With this new business model, Kelvion is now offering heat exchangers that can be billed on a pay-per-use basis, i.e. based on a fixed hourly rate, in addition to its established sales business. Kelvion has entered a strong partnership with linx4, the market leader for PPU financing for industrial equipment, who will handle the billing of HX as a Service.

Energy and cost-efficient solutions

At present, issues such as inflation, geopolitical tensions and rising energy prices are dominating everyday business life. With "Heat Exchange as a Service," users can integrate heat exchange solutions for heat recovery into their processes in a plannable and cost-efficient manner without having to invest CAPEX. The idea behind this is simple but effective: Instead of buying the heat exchanger, customers only pay for the actual use. This creates maximum cost and process efficiency. Furthermore, thanks to the IoT-connection (Internet of Things), consumption data, among other things, can be recorded and used almost in real time.

Additional Service packages available

Customers can choose between three different packages that include different maintenance options (Standard; Service; Smart). Every package will provide customers with the latest heat exchanger technology from Kelvion. Costs for services required for commissioning the equipment are already included in all packages. Intelligent additional functions such as performance monitoring, predictive maintenance or tracking of CO2 reduction can be added.  “We want our customers to rely on a carefree heat exchange service so that they can focus on their core processes," says Stefan Kleinjung, Project Manager. “We ensure the highest reliability and efficiency of the heat exchange solutions with our selectable maintenance offerings. This can avoid unplanned shutdowns caused by leakage or inefficient operation due to fouling.”

Committed to sustainability and Circular Economy

With “Heat Exchange as a Service” Kelvion creates a resource-efficient offering based on the circular economy principle. A modular design reduces the use of resources to a necessary minimum. Further, regular maintenance extends the service life of the equipment used.

“It was important to us to ensure a maximum product lifecycle,” says Stefan Kleinjung. “Our Heat Exchanger design combines a high level of standardisation with an outstanding flexibility to design customised solutions to meet customer demands. Thanks to the modular design, individual parts can be replaced at low cost. Should our equipment ever be irreparably damaged, we ensure that it is properly fed into the recycling system.”

More information:


About linx4

The Austrian financing company focusing on pay-per-use financing for industrial machinery and equipment operates in more than 20 European countries. linx4 offers flexible, utilisation-based point of sales (POS) financing for machine manufacturers (OEMs) to strongly increase sales of equipment and after-sales services. The pay-per-use financing is based on a unique industrial IoT (IIoT) and AI risk management solution that allows for  a utilisation risk of up to 75%  to be assumed by linx4.


Über Kelvion

Kelvion is a global manufacturer of industrial heat exchangers for a highly diversified range of market segments. Since 1920, the company has manufactured and marketed its products throughout many and various markets – since November of 2015, under the new Kelvion brand. Its specialized professional competency, solidly-based expertise, customer proximity and extensive product portfolio make Kelvion the partner of choice in the field of heat exchange. With plate heat exchangers, shell and tube heat exchangers, finned-tube heat exchangers, modular cooling tower systems, and refrigeration heat exchangers, the company supplies customers in highly diverse global sectors: chemical industries; marine applications; HVAC and refrigeration; environmental applications, the food and beverage industries as well as energy, oil and gas. Kelvion is a specialist in providing customer-specific products and services and supports its target customers throughout a global sales and production network.

For more details on Kelvion, please consult www.kelvion.com.

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Fax: +49 (234) 98034-2580
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