Free crypto market vs. blocking of user accounts in China

Anyone in this country who exchanges cryptocurrencies with friends or colleagues via WhatsApp does not know how well they are doing. Then elsewhere in the world, user accounts in the messenger service will be blocked immediately as soon as there is anything to read about NFTs or cryptos in their chat history. We are talking about China, where Facebook, WhatsApp and Co. are banned and everything is therefore regulated by the only existing messenger service WeChat, which has now changed its user guidelines to the detriment of crypto fans. You can find out what the latest development is all about in this article.

Anything but free
For the past year, the Chinese government has cracked down on the mining, ownership and trading of cryptocurrencies. All of these activities have been illegal by law since then, almost without exception. Now one has the impression that these steps were not drastic enough for the Chinese government. Because WeChat is now also entering the fight against cryptocurrencies. The messenger service operated by Tencent is the only way in China to keep in touch with your loved ones digitally and, in addition to chat, offers other functions such as calling a taxi or ordering a pizza. Tencent is considered the internet giant and the most profitable tech group in Asia.

No wonder, then, that the operators can allow themselves to block user accounts overnight if they appear to be involved in the crypto business based on the content of their chat history. It’s enough to philosophize loosely with others about NFTs or joke about Bitcoin’s recent price crash to be targeted – depending on the seriousness of the alleged offense, WeChat reserves the right to terminate the number and email address and to block further information, such as the ID card or the micro signal of the user, for further registration. If an account is completely closed, the former user is virtually excluded from digital communication altogether, since otherwise there are no alternatives. It could well be said that the app is essential to the social life of Chinese citizens.

This is also proven by the number of users: a total of 1.1 billion people use WeChat every day.Once again it becomes clear how serious the country is with the implementation of the e-yuan, since no other currency is accepted apart from its own digital national currency. While such a step seems drastic and unbelievable to us, bans and bans have long been part of everyday life in China: sites like Google, Instagram, Reddit or YouTube are also banned in China.

Free market flourishes
It is all the nicer that in this country there is not only the opportunity to actively participate in the crypto market, but also to informally exchange ideas with friends, acquaintances and colleagues. Last but not least, a market lives from the interaction of its players and a lively exchange, which is possible in this country on any platform, digitally and offline. By the way, anyone who would like to participate in the mining of cryptocurrencies is very welcome. Because, in contrast to China, this is also allowed to the full extent and as the mood takes you, much to the delight of everyone.

Über die Smart IT Alliance GmbH

Smart IT Alliance GmbH, specializing in the delivery of crypto mining hardware and crypto mining farms, inspires its customers with well thought-out system configurations, power and heat concepts, IT security, professionals for implementation and exceptionally fast deliveries. By operating our own crypto mining farms, countless miner configurations have already been tested, problems solved and ideal implementations for all possible variants tested live.

Customers often approach Smart IT Alliance GmbH with a request to design and implement a coherent overall concept – from bare ground or even without a suitable property for the mining farm. Anyone who is allowed to become a customer of Smart IT Alliance GmbH can enjoy indescribably close customer loyalty, full service, special offers and lightning-fast implementation. A separate subsidiary was founded in Hong Kong with on-site employees just for the faster implementation of deliveries from Asia.

The most important point in the overall approach of Smart IT Alliance GmbH is that not only the one delivery but the overall concept is seen and always kept in mind for each customer. Otherwise, the miners cannot be connected in the office, warehouse or new mining farm because the power connection is not sufficient for the high permanent load, the heat cannot be transported away, IT security is not given, the noise was ignored or or or .

And so that the tax KO blow does not come later, Smart IT Alliance GmbH strongly recommends that every customer bring the most experienced tax and corporate law expert, Mr. Thomas Breit, on board right from the start.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Smart IT Alliance GmbH
TecCenter 1
31162 Bad Salzdetfurth
Telefon: +49 (5063) 6329-790
Telefax: +49 (5063) 6329-799

Christian Behrens
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