itemis joins Siemens Digital Industries Software Partner Program

    Siemens Digital Industries Software expands in the field of Product Lifecycle Management its Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) with itemis’ cybersecurity tool Security Analyst
    Two best in class solutions will enable OEMs and Tier-suppliers in the automotive industry to enable a high level of security of their products
    Customers can achieve cybersecurity compliance for ISO/SAE 21434

itemis, with its market-leading cybersecurity tool for performing Threat Analysis and Risk Assessments (TARA), today announced that it has joined the Siemens Digital Industries Software partner program to expand in the field of Product Lifecycle Management by connecting to Siemens‘ Polarion ALM™ (Application Lifecycle Management) software. 

Polarion can be used to automate the management of systems engineering projects and enables the development of quality embedded software.Siemens Digital Industries Software is driving transformation to enable a digital enterprise where engineering, manufacturing and electronics design meet tomorrow. itemis’ solution Security Analyst supports Threat Analysis and Risk Assessments (TARA) throughout the entire lifecycle of vehicles and ensures consistency as well as validity of TARAs while being fully compliant with industry regulations like ISO/SAE 21434 and UNECE WP.29 R155.

“We are pleased that itemis has joined the Siemens Partner Program. With its model-based TARA approach, itemis’ solution provides the ability to update an entire model easily and reduce the complexity of TARAs” said Karkare Piyush, Global Director – Automotive Industry solutions at Siemens Digital Industries Software. “With itemis‘ extensive import and export functionalities, Polarion users can integrate their data into the creation of TARAs.”

The combination of these two best in class solutions will enable OEMs and Tier-suppliers in the automotive industry to enable both a high level of security and safety of their products.

“itemis is excited to join Siemens Digital Industries Software’s partner community. The strength of our two organizations working together has the potential to deliver significant value to our customers who are now enabled to easily achieve cybersecurity compliance for ISO/SAE 21434.” said Dirk Leopold, Head of Advanced Engineering of itemis AG.

Über die itemis AG

itemis AG is an independent software and IT consulting company for the development of smart products and services. It offers its customers from a wide variety of industries individual solutions for business applications and software tools for the development of embedded systems in order to simplify digitization in general and accelerate their customers’ go-to-market. With its portfolio, itemis closes the gap between product and software development:

The itemis offer includes cloud & enterprise consulting for efficient software development projects, IoT solutions and advanced engineering. The core competence of itemis is the automation of software production using model-based development methods and processes. The tools of the YAKINDU family complete the portfolio.

The company’s headquarters are in Lünen near Dortmund, Germany. With more than 20 locations in Germany, Austria, France, Tunisia, Morocco and the USA, itemis AG is always close to its customers and enables your employees to work flexibly from anywhere.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

itemis AG
Am Brambusch 15-24
44536 Lünen
Telefon: +49 (231) 9860-606
Telefax: +49 (231) 9860-211

Florian Marte
Leiter Marketing
Telefon: 02319860606
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