SSI Schaefer Launches Intralogistics Future with 5G Technology

With the integration of the new mobile communications standard 5G at the in-house Technology Center in Giebelstadt, SSI Schaefer is setting new standards and is underlining their claim to shape the future of intralogistics as technology and innovation leader. For future customer projects based on 5G technology, this means seamless roaming, highest connectivity and optimized value-added processes. This paves the way for company-wide networking on a uniform platform along the whole supply chain.

Radio-based communication is increasing steadily in industry and logistics. Usually, it is conducted via WiFi frequency ranges for conventional ISM bands, the best known being WLAN and Bluetooth. Due to the constantly growing range of applications and participating devices as well as the different systems in use, the technology is limited in terms of latency, costs, reliability and participant density. Logical consequences are overloads, reciprocal interference, increasing susceptibility to failure and the lack of expansion opportunities to other processes.

In order to offer their customers the latest ideal intralogistics solutions, SSI Schaefer is advancing the development of 5G-based intralogistics with their own 5G project in their in-house Technology Center in Giebelstadt – from intelligent system control to in-depth networking inside and in between companies as well as company divisions.

5G Development Project at the Technology Center in Giebelstadt

A dedicated 5G campus network – a frequency range intended for the location-based use of the 5G standard – was licensed and put into operation at the Technology Center in Giebelstadt. Currently, intensive testing is carried out to fulfill the optimization potential of intralogistical solutions even further in the future. “We’re pursuing the strategy of already investing into tomorrow’s communications standard today and thus building the foundation for further digitalization,” says Notker Steigerwald, SVP, Head of Business Unit Logistics Solutions at SSI Schaefer.

The overall goal is an improved system control via machine-to-machine communication through which the propagated IoT (Internet of things) has now finally arrived in the logistics sector. Notker Steigerwald adds: “With the 5G technology, the impacts of the partly fault-prone and often overloaded current radio-based communication are also going to be a thing of the past.”

5G opens up diverse areas of application, for example, when mobile robots are able to carry out highly precise picking activities due to 5G technology and warehouse staff is supported by augmented reality applications. “The ultimate goal of our 5G project in Giebelstadt is collecting valuable insights into highly automatic warehouses,” refers Notker Steigerwald among other things to the very satisfying results with automated guided vehicles (AGVs). “We will gradually integrate these into our new product generation and thus will take another big step into the direction of intelligent system control and in-depth networking inside and in between the company divisions and individual companies.”


The SSI Schaefer Group is the world’s leading provider of modular warehousing and logistics solutions. With headquarters located in Neunkirchen (Germany), SSI Schaefer employs approximately 10,000 associates globally, along with seven domestic and international production sites, and approximately 70 worldwide operating subsidiaries. Across six continents, SSI Schaefer develops and implements innovative industry-specific answers to its customers’ unique challenges. As a result, it plays a key role in shaping the future of materials handling.

SSI Schaefer designs, develops and manufactures systems for warehouses and industrial plants. Its portfolio includes manual and automated solutions for warehousing, conveying, picking and sorting, plus technologies for waste management and recycling. In addition, SSI Schaefer is now a leading provider of modular, regularly updated software for in-house material flows. Its software team, with a headcount in excess of 1,100, develops high-performance applications, and provides customers with in-depth advice on the intelligent combination of software with intralogistics equipment. The SSI Schaefer IT offering, including its own WAMAS® and SAP products, delivers seamless support for all warehouse and material flow management processes. Solutions from SSI Schaefer improve the productivity and efficiency of customer organizations – not least through the highly precise monitoring, visualization, and analysis of operational metrics for proactive intralogistics management.

SSI Schaefer offers highly sophisticated, turnkey systems. As an international player, it can deliver one-stop solutions to all four corners of the earth. Its comprehensive portfolio encompasses design, planning, consulting, and customer-specific aftersales services and maintenance.

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Fritz-Schäfer-Strasse 20
57290 Neunkirchen / Siegerland
Telefon: +49 (2735) 70-1
Telefax: +49 (2735) 70-396

Melanie Kämpf
Senior Global Communication Manager / Global Marketing
Telefon: +49 (2735) 70-252
Annika Nolte
Project Manager Customer Relationship & PR / Global Marketing
Telefon: +49 (2735) 70-9683
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