Elevion Group is strengthening its German management team

Elevion Group is further strengthening and streamlining its German management team and announcing an organizational structure change within the market.

As per 1 July 2022, Ingo Alphéus will be the new Country Manager of Elevion Group in Germany and Austria and will be Chairman of Board of Directors of Elevion GmbH and CEZ ESCO II GmbH, the German Elevion Group companies with leading positions in the fields of technical building equipment and energy services. Jaroslav Macek, CEO of parent company Elevion Group B.V., who assumed temporarily the operational role in Germany will return to his supervisory role within the German companies.

Roland Fischer will continue to perform the function as Chief Executive Officer of the Technical Solutions business unit and Managing Director of Elevion GmbH, overseeing the activities of the eight main operative entities in the German technical building equipment segment. Andreas Scherhans as Chief Administration Officer will continue to steer the financial and administrative functions within the boards of Elevion GmbH and CEZ ESCO II.

I am pleased that I can hand over our German operations to Ingo Alphéus. He can look back on more than 20 years of experience in the energy and renewables industry. Together with the proven current management team Ingo will build on the past rapid growth of Elevion Group in Germany and further drive our strategy to be one of the top players when it comes to sustainable building and energy services in Germany and Austria,” says Jaroslav Macek, CEO of parent company Elevion Group B.V.

Currently Ingo Alphéus is CEO of Belectric GmbH, the solar power generation expert among the Elevion Group companies. He will step down from this role as per 30 April 2022. His responsibilities as CEO will be taken over by Dr. Thorsten Blanke in addition to his current function as Chief Commercial Officer of Belectric GmbH, as per 1 May. Daniel Rehm, who has joined the Belectric board as Chief Financial Officer in December 2021 will also assume responsibilities for O&M services as per 1 May 2022.

Thorsten Blanke brings more than ten years of extensive global experience in developing and building large-scale solar farms with him. I look forward to seeing him and the successful Belectric team contribute to setting the pace for an even steeper ramp-up of renewables in European power generation,” says Jaroslav Macek, CEO of parent company Elevion Group B.V.

Über die Elevion GmbH

Elevion Group BV is one of Europe’s leading energy service providers in the field of modern energy solutions that focus on sustainability and climate neutrality. Elevion Group belongs among Germany’s market leaders in this segment. The group currently is comprised of approximately 60 consolidated companies and employs more than 4,700 people at 113 locations in 12 countries – in addition to Germany, these include the Netherlands, Austria, Italy, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and China. With two groups of companies (Elevion GmbH, CEZ ESCO II GmbH including Belectric GmbH), ca €700 million revenue and 3,700 employees the German market is currently the largest market for Elevion.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Elevion GmbH
Am Zementwerk 4
07745 Jena
Telefon: +49 (3641) 2934-100
Telefax: +49 (3641) 2934-199

Judith Lipski
Marketing & HR Elevion GmbH
Telefon: +49 (3641) 2934-110
E-Mail: judith.lipski@elevion.de
Luisa Müller
Junior Marketing & Communications Manager
Telefon: +49 (9385) 5489-313
E-Mail: luisa.mueller@belectric.com
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