Abrantix wins Newcomer Award in Australia!

Abrantix is honoured to have received the Newcomer/Rising Star award of the Swiss Business Awards in Australia. Martin Gloor, Head of Test Automation and APAC for Abrantix, accepted the award at the ceremony held by the Swiss Chamber of Commerce on 22.2.2022 in Sydney.

The Swiss Business Awards is an annual program which aims to recognise excellence of Swiss businesses, organisations and individuals in Australia. The Awards acknowledge the important and distinguished contributions to the image of Switzerland in Australia and to the growth of Swiss-Australian relations.

“We are very proud to have received the Rising Star 2021 award from the Swiss Business Chamber in Australia. We have continuously grown our businesses in Australia and are looking forward to providing more innovation to the Australian payments market. “It is a big honour to be receiving this prestigious award and it shows the great commitment and work made by our team here in Australia”, says Martin Gloor.

About the Swiss Chamber of Commerce in Australia

As the hub of Swiss business in Australia, SwissCham enables businesses to connect and prosper in Australia and Switzerland, focusing on doing business in Australia and the promotion of bilateral trade.

SwissCham’s purpose is to support, strengthen and grow members’ businesses and their reputation in Australia by providing exposure, information and networking.

Über Abrantix

Abrantix is a leading global software company founded 2001 in Zurich, Switzerland. It specializes in software and technology for the payment industry. The main areas of expertise are payment software engineering, terminal test automation using robots, and payment reconciliation software. With more than 20 years of expertise, Abrantix delivers best-in-class, innovative and secure payment solutions which set industry standards; delivering the mission to make payment frictionless and secure for everyone.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Förrlibuckstrasse 66
CH8005 Zürich
Telefon: +41794389901
Telefax: +41 (43) 4337031

René Binder
Head of Marketing
E-Mail: rene.binder@abrantix.com
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