Rohde & Schwarz brings back Demystifying EMC conference in 2022 as fully virtual event for a global audience

Now in its eighth year, the popular Demystifying EMC conference will be held in a virtual format in January 2022. It will build on the global reach it achieved in 2021, when participants from more than 60 countries joined the free industry event with its high-quality trainings and networking opportunities.

Rohde & Schwarz today announced that its three-day Demystifying EMC virtual conference dedicated to expanding EMC knowledge will run from 25 to 27 January 2022. The move to a virtual and expanded three-day format in 2021 proved very popular, attracting participants from over 60 countries. The 2022 event will provide an easy-to-access mix of live conference with panel discussions, learning videos, a networking lounge and a virtual exhibition.

The online conference has a particular focus on emerging trends: Morning keynotes by renowned experts create the framework for many topic-focused presentations during the day, from electromagnetic coexistence of medical devices, to the requirements for modern anechoic chambers, and in-situ measurements in the field. After each lecture, visitors have the opportunity to ask questions live with the experts.

Lee Hill from Silent Solutions returns to DEMC to share his insights on EMC techniques, problem-solving tactics and electronic design advice in fundamental EMC educational sessions. In addition, the agenda includes contributions from Albatross Projects, AVL, CSA Group, Element Material Technologies, EMC Partner, Emitech, Eurofins E&E, Frankonia and Würth Electronics.

The educational area covers aspects of product design, test, simulations, and regulatory compliance and standards with on-demand content resources from Rohde & schwarz and the EMC industry partners. 

Christina Gessner, Vice President of Spectrum and Network Analyzers, EMC Test at Rohde & Schwarz, who will give a keynote at the conference, says: “We had very positive feedback following our 2021 virtual Demystifying EMC conference. We look forward to welcoming everyone to the 2022 event in January, whether they are returning participants or first-time visitors. The virtual format is a great opportunity to exchange with EMC testing experts and customers from different regions and industries in Europe and beyond.”

For more information on the Demystifying EMC 2022 event and to register, visit:

Über die Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG

The Rohde & Schwarz technology group is among the trailblazers when it comes to paving the way for a safer and connected world with its leading solutions in test & measurement, technology systems, and networks & cybersecurity. Founded more than 85 years ago, the group is a reliable partner for industry and government customers around the globe. On June 30, 2021, Rohde & Schwarz had around 13,000 employees worldwide. The independent group achieved a net revenue of EUR 2.28 billion in the 2020/2021 fiscal year (July to June). The company is headquartered in Munich, Germany.

R&S® is a registered trademark of Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG.

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