Photovoltaic Equipment: Upturn remains unbroken

• Photovoltaic equipment manufacturers achieve an increase in orders and sales
• China remains most important export market
• Covid-19 pandemic and supply shortages lead to project delays

The third quarter of 2021 was characterized in the photovoltaic equipment sector by a further increase in incoming orders and a slight growth in sales. Compared to the previous quarter, a significant increase of more than 40 percent in incoming orders was achieved. Sales increased by nine percent compared with the previous quarter and by significantly 20 percent compared with the same quarter of the previous year. The ratio of orders to sales was 2:1 for the second quarter in succession. The trend in the photovoltaic equipment sector is in line with that of the entire German equipment sector, which again recorded a two-digit increase in orders in October.

Dr. Jutta Trube, Division Manager of VDMA Photovoltaic Equipment comments: “The growing orders in the photovoltaic equipment sector are pointing in the right direction. Especially compared to the previous year, there is a clear increase and a new dynamic.”

China as most important export market
Domestic orders fell to a share of less than ten percent in the third quarter. Orders from America also decreased. In contrast, orders from China topped a share of 80 percent for the first time in 2021. On the Asian continent, China is the most important export market. Here, the largest order intake in the entire Asia region was seen in the third quarter.

Due to the supply shortages and the ongoing uncertainties caused by Covid-19, the companies’ forecasts are cautious. However, demand remains strong, also outside the Asian region, and new market opportunities are seen.

Dr. Peter Fath, Managing Director of RCT Solutions GmbH and Chairman of the Board of VDMA Photovoltaic Equipment, comments: "Despite the positive developments in order intake, solar equipment manufacturers are confronted with the uncertainties of the global pandemic situation and the challenging situation on the supply market. A real recovery is expected in the second and third quarter of 2022. Developments in global photovoltaic production projects are good, but there are pandemic-related delays. The major challenge for the German and European photovoltaic machinery and plant engineering industry is to deal with the shortages and continuing uncertainties in a suitable manner."

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Über den VDMA, Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e.V.

The VDMA represents more than 3,400 German and European companies of the mechanical engineering industry. The industry stands for innovation, export orientation and medium-sized businesses. The companies employ around four million people in Europe, more than one million of them in Germany. Mechanical and plant engineering represents a European turnover volume of around 800 billion euros. With a net value added of around 270 billion euros, it contributes the highest share of the entire manufacturing sector to the European gross domestic product.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

VDMA, Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e.V.
Lyoner Str. 18
60528 Frankfurt
Telefon: +49 (69) 6603-0
Telefax: +49 (69) 6603-1511

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