Electronics engineering automation pioneer CELUS joins the Siemens Solution Partner Program

A new partnership delivers seamless integration between Siemens Digital Industries Software’s products and CELUS. With this strategic agreement, gate-Startup CELUS expands its broad network and strengthens its customer-centric approach.

CELUS, the pioneer in cloud-based software for electronics engineering automation, closed a partnership agreement within the Siemens Solution Partner Program as Digital Industries Software Partner. This collaboration is a consequent next step in creating a frictionless digital infrastructure for CELUS customers, which they rely on through integration with the Siemens Digital Industries Systems Design tool suites as Xpedition Enterprise and PADS.

Through this partnership, CELUS can offer an even smoother process with more design wins and innovative solutions that eliminate the complexity of electronics development. The agreement with this widely recognized international partner program established by Siemens CELUS’ continues fast growth and signifies another milestone in its global expansion to offer its AI-based solutions to customers around the world.

CELUS Co-founder and CEO Tobias Pohl adds, “Having this partnership is a big step for us as a company as well as for all our customers and users. We at CELUS always strive for being integrated into engineers’ workflow and allow full compatibility to existing ECAD-tools. Together with Siemens EDA, we go one step further on our journey”.


CELUS is a pioneer in cloud-based electronics engineering automation for industrial companies. The software provider, based in Munich, made its first steps at the startup incubator gate Garching and has set itself the goal of making electronics engineering processes faster, easier, and more efficient through automation.

The CELUS Engineering Platform revolutionizes the industry by challenging the status quo. CELUS’ software allows to automatically select electronic components, generate schematics as well as PCB-Floorplanning.

About the Siemens Solution Partner Program

Siemens works closely with selected, proven expert companies in their fields all over the world to ensure that customer requirements for automation and drive technology are met as closely as possible – anytime, anywhere. With the global Siemens Solution Partner program, customers are sure to find the optimal partner in the Partner Finder for their specific requirements – effortlessly.

Press enquiries:

Contunity GmbH
Nicole Lontzek
Head of Marketing
Tel: + (49) 172 6122 370
E-Mail: press@celus.io

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

gate Garchinger Technologie- und Gründerzentrum GmbH
Lichtenbergstraße 8
85748 Garching bei München
Telefon: +49 (89) 5484-0
Telefax: +49 (89) 5484-1010

Lisa Hyna
Marketing & Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Telefon: +49 (89) 5484-1110
Fax: +49 (89) 5484-1010
E-Mail: lisa.hyna@gategarching.com
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