VITROCELL® Remote Assist Support

VITROCELL in vitro exposure systems are specifically manufactured according to customer specifications. Our customers in the field of research & development typically have very complex requirements for the system. This is why a VITROCELL technician is required to carry out product training as well as service & support.

We strive to provide rapid responses and problem-solving for VITROCELL users all over the world.

Live Assistance with Augmented Reality

Augmented reality greatly facilitates this process. For VITROCELL we rely on the HoloLens 2 from Microsoft. It allows our support team to provide precise guidance in real time. The user’s field of vision is transmitted to the technician’s monitor, which enables him to provide training on the system remotely or offer troubleshooting advice. Augmented reality technology makes it possible to project holograms such as an arrow marker or data sheets into the customer’s field of vision.

It is also possible to interact using speech and gestures. This practically eliminates the possibility of misunderstandings.

Microsoft HoloLens

The Microsoft HoloLens is a stand-alone, holographic computer. It enables users to see holograms, i.e. digital content, in their real field of vision. These three-dimensional graphics or images are projected onto the projection glass of the HoloLens. They are therefore only visible to the user and create a realistic image. Sensors and special systems such as eye, finger and hand tracking enable users to interact with the holograms. The microphone and speakers also allow for verbal communication. As the flagship device in the intelligent edge sector, HoloLens 2 works almost completely trouble-free even without a reliable internet connection.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Remote Assist

The HoloLens offers an almost unlimited number of possible applications. In addition to decentralized training solutions as well as trade fair and sales experiences, location-independent support is one of the most popular applications. The Remote Assist application from Microsoft makes this possible. Due to the comfortability of the HoloLens that is leaving both hands free, the user is able to carry out the required operations easily and efficiently. This eliminates the need for on-site visits, even in the case of complex systems, which saves time and facilitates rapid assistance.

Key Features:

  • Hands-free audio and video calls
  • 2-way freehand drawings and arrows can be drawn into the real environment
  • Chat/instant messages during calls
  • Compatible with Microsoft Teams: Remote workers can make and receive calls using Teams Desktop or Teams Mobile
  • OneDrive integration: Documents (PDF) and images (JPG, PNG, TIFF and BMP) can be displayed
  • Corporate level identity and security: AAD authentication and single sign-on
  • Screen sharing: Experts can project their desktop screen onto HoloLens users‘ field of view

System requirements:

  • The service is set up by VITROCELL as part of the Remote Assist Package.
  • The customer requires a Wi-Fi internet connection
  • If this is not possible, the transmission can take place via the mobile network
Über die VITROCELL Systems GmbH

Advanced in vitro exposure systems

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Fabrik Sonntag 3
79183 Waldkirch
Telefon: +49 (7681) 4977950

Tobias Krebs
Managing Director
Telefon: +49 (7681) 4977950
Fax: +49 (7681) 4354
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