New Customs Declarations System is about to replace AGS in the Netherlands

The Dutch Customs Authority has started preparations for an important change in the declaration process for Customs procedures. In the future, Customs procedures in the Netherlands will be handled in a new system: The Customs Declarations Management System (DMS). The DMS shall replace the current AGS and G(S)PA declaration systems. Scope customers also need to prepare for the upcoming changes to the “registration in the Declarant’s administration“ (IIAA) procedure, which currently is not done digitally.

DMS replaces AGS

In order to support a seamless flow of shipments within the European Union, the Dutch Customs Authority has taken it upon itself to standardize their Customs procedures in accordance with the outlines the European Union Customs Code requests. DMS replaces the current AGS as well as the current procedures for periodic declarations (GPA/SPA) and existing procedures for placing goods in Customs warehouses. However, this change requires technology-driven processes that can handle the new, highly automated, real-time declarations. Riege Software has evaluated Customs’ DMS 4.0 documentation, where available, and has already begun programming the new DMS 4.0 declaration screens and messages in Scope.

An overview of the most important changes

Most importantly, the data catalogues for declarations shall be added to the new system. Declarants currently using AGS will be required to submit declarations using DMS in the future, as required by the amended Annex B of the Union Customs Code. The processing of control statements will also change with the introduction of the new DMS. In AGS 3.1, Customs authorities automatically adjusted the Customs declaration. In the future, these adjustments must be entered manually by the declaring party. The goods cannot be released until the revised declaration has been fully processed by the Customs Authority.

Ultimately by January 1st 2023, IIAA authorization holders must submit additional declarations. Due to this change, the filing component of the Automated Periodic Filing (GPA) and Written Periodic Filing (SPA) will be discontinued. In the future, holders of IIAA authorizations will have to use the so-called Inventory Verification File to exchange the verification information previously contained in the GPA.

Scope provides the solution for new Customs procedures

Customers using Scope for Customs declarations need to be aware of these and other changes, as the migration to DMS for regular declarations is scheduled during first half of 2022, the deadline for GPA, “registration in the administration” procedure and Customs warehouse(PDE) is set to December 31, 2022. Riege Software is working diligently on the development of the entries and shipment data required to facilitate the change to the new declaration procedure for its customers in a timely fashion.

Über die Riege Software International GmbH

Riege Software is the creator of Scope, the leading cloud-based software for Air Freight, Ocean Freight and Customs. Designed to be the Digital Standard for digital logistics, Scope enables participants in the global supply chain to practice unrestricted collaboration with just one system.

Established in 1985 and ever since privately owned and managed, Riege has a continuous and sound understanding of the requirements of the logistics industry, serving more than 575 companies of any size in 46 countries. The future of logistics is digital. Scope is the future of digital logistics.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Riege Software International GmbH
Mollsfeld 10
40670 Meerbusch
Telefon: +49 (2159) 9148-0
Telefax: +49 (2159) 9148-11

Henk Boorsma
Managing Director Riege Software International Benelux
Telefon: +31 (343) 452-353
Anastasia Kazantzis
Head of Public Relations
Telefon: +49 (2159) 9148-315
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