All efforts to find the missing employee at the Inden open-cast mine have not been successful. Unfortunately, chances are that the employee cannot be found alive. The waters of the river Inde had flooded a dam near the village of Lamersdorf and subsequently entered the open-cast mine. The 58-year-old employee of a partner company was swept away by the flood. For many hours yesterday as well as through the night, a search for him was conducted on the ground and from the air with the help of fire brigade and police but to no effect. Further search attempts including the use of drones, police helicopters, search dogs and rescue boats were unsuccessful. Attempts will go on to recover the employee in the coming days.
Lars Kulik, Member of the Executive Board at RWE Power and responsible for the lignite business says: "All parties involved have done everything possible to find the missing colleague but unfortunately without success. We are all deeply shocked by this tragic event. Our thoughts are with his family that we will support in this difficult situation. I thank all the emergency services who have left no stone unturned."
Über RWE Aktiengesellschaft
RWE Power AG, with headquarters in Essen and Cologne, Germany, is a company of the RWE Group. Its business is lignite-based and nuclear power generation. The Company employs about 11,000 people and operates three opencast lignite mines in the Rhineland area. Lignite production is predominantly used for electricity generation in the Company’s own power stations, but is also processed to make solid fuels and filter materials. In addition, RWE Power manages the operation, decommissioning and dismantling of RWE’s nuclear facilities. The RWE Power’s plants have the capacity to supply 11 gigawatts of electricity.
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:
RWE Aktiengesellschaft
Altenessener Straße 35
45141 Essen
Telefon: +49 (201) 5179-0
Telefax: +49 (201) 5179-5005
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