EBV Elektronik highlights ‘Passion for Technology Heroes’ in prize draw

EBV Elektronik, an Avnet company (NASDAQ: AVT), is offering readers of its award-winning knowledge magazine ‘The Quintessence’ the chance to win smart technology prizes as part of the latest edition themed ‘Passion for Technology’.

In this issue, the magazine shines a light on people who live and breathe technology and explores why creative thinkers, particularly in the field of semiconductor development, will play a crucial part in inspiring and propelling sustainable solutions in areas such as alternative energy generation, urban mobility, or digitalisation in healthcare. The magazine also features some of the pioneers whose passion for modern technology has resulted in inventions and research that will continue to have a lasting impact on our world.

These trailblazing inventors and high-tech entrepreneurs are the subject of the ‘Passion for Technology Heroes’ quiz. Anyone who answers the six related multiple-choice questions correctly will be placed in a prize draw to win a smart ‘ScanWatch’ or ‘Body Cardio’ scale from Withings, or a ‘Model F’ smart lamp from Luke Roberts. To enter, simply click on the link www.ebv.com/TQPassionHeroes.

The Quintessence regularly reports on the latest applications, trends, and technologies from the world of electronics. Each issue addresses a different application area for modern electronics – from digital drive technology to artificial intelligence. The magazine has already received many awards – most recently the European Excellence Award. It is published in English and German across EMEA, has a circulation of 10,000, and can be ordered free-of-charge as a print edition or as an ePaper at www.ebv.com/tq. It is also available as a smartphone app in the Apple and Android app store. Search for ‘TQ by EBV’.

Über EBV Elektronik GmbH & Co KG (An Avnet Company)

EBV Elektronik, an Avnet (NASDAQ:AVT) company, was founded in 1969 and is the leading specialist in European semiconductor distribution. EBV maintains its successful strategy of personal commitment to customers and excellent services. 240 Technical Sales Specialists provide a strong focus on a selected group of long-term manufacturing partners. 120 continuously trained Application Specialists offer extensive application know-how and design expertise. With the EBVchips Program, EBV, together with its customers, defines and develops new semiconductor products. Targeted customers in selected growth markets will be supported by the Vertical Sales Segments. Warehouse operations, complete logistics solutions and value-added services such as programming, taping & reeling and laser marking are fulfilled by Avnet Logistics, EBV’s logistical backbone and Europe’s largest service centre. EBV operates from 65 offices in 29 countries throughout EMEA (Europe – Middle East – Africa). For more information about EBV Elektronik, please visit www.ebv.com.

About Avnet

As a leading global technology distributor and solutions provider, Avnet has served customers’ evolving needs for an entire century. We support customers at each stage of a product’s lifecycle, from idea to design and from prototype to production. Our unique position at the center of the technology value chain enables us to accelerate the design and supply stages of product development so customers can realize revenue faster. Decade after decade, Avnet helps its customers and suppliers around the world realize the transformative possibilities of technology. Learn more about Avnet at www.avnet.com.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

EBV Elektronik GmbH & Co KG (An Avnet Company)
Im Technologiepark 2-8
85586 Poing
Telefon: +49 (8121) 774-0
Telefax: +49 (8121) 774-422

Anja Woithe
PR Manager
Telefon: +49 (8121) 774-459
E-Mail: anja.woithe@avnet.eu
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