It’s never been so easy!

The M255 portable compressor from Kaeser Kompressoren is powerful, safe and easy to use. This compact powerhouse delivers variably adjustable pressures between 6 and 14 bar with flow rates up to 25.5 m³/min.

This versatile portable compressor is therefore ideal for applications such as drilling, quarrying or blasting work.

Beneath the enclosure lies a Cummins engine with 210 kW of power, a diesel particulate filter and an SCR system, meaning that the M255 fulfills ‘Stage V’ emission or ‘Tier 4 final’ regulations.

Thanks to the innovative pV control, the operator only has to choose between two pressure levels. The set pressure ‘p’ directly influences the maximum flow rate ‘V’. With a maximum available flow rate of 25.5 m³/min, one and the same system can therefore deliver pressures between 6 and 14 bar. If the application does not require high pressures, then the 10 bar version delivers even more compressed air.

Equipped with a new operating concept featuring a rotary switch and a touch display, operation of the M 255 could not be simpler, even when wearing unwieldy work gloves. Furthermore, the new Sigma Control Mobil 2 (SCM 2) compressor controller allows the machine to be used in conjunction with multiple stationary systems in a compressor station.

The inclusion of lashing eyes as standard and climbing aids to enable safe access to the lifting eye make transportation safe and simple. The road-going version can be towed with a pick-up, for example, since it weighs less than 3.5 tons even when fully equipped, whilst the tandem chassis with overrun brake ensures maximum safety when towing and parking.

A look under the hood reveals various familiar efficiency features, such as the energy-saving fan, or the air filter with safety elements. But there is also something new: the oil separation system uses cartridges that can be screwed on and off quickly and easily to significantly reduce the time needed for maintenance.

There is also security for the system itself. The M255 can be equipped with a modem to allow remote monitoring of the machine’s location and operating data, so that the operator knows where the machine is at all times, how it is operating and what its status is.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Carl-Kaeser-Str. 26
96450 Coburg
Telefon: +49 (9561) 640-0
Telefax: +49 (9561) 640-130

Daniela Koehler
Telefon: +49 (9561) 640-452
Fax: +49 (9561) 640-129
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