GK vaccination programme for the workforce continuing at top speed – almost all the employees at the major company sites will have received their first jab soon

GK Software SE has passed the first major milestone in implementing its programme to vaccinate its employees. Nearly all the workers at the company’s headquarters in Schöneck had been able to receive their first dose of the vaccination by the end of April. GK actively helped with organising this process in order to be able to offer the jabs as quickly as possible. All the employees at the secondlargest business site in St Ingbert will have probably received their first shot too by the middle of May; most of these vaccinations have been organised with the help of the company physician. The employees’ readiness to be vaccinated within the whole company is very high and the vaccination services have been welcomed with great enthusiasm.

All the employees were already given the opportunity to work from home because of the Covid-19 situation in the middle of March 2020; the technical facilities, which already existed, were expanded for this during a single weekend to enable the more than 1,000 employees around the world to work away from their normal office premises. A comprehensive hygiene concept was drawn up for the 24/7 support departments, which have to be manned at all times, in order to guarantee that they continue to maintain operations without any interruptions. The workers in these departments ensure that the business-critical IT systems for GK Software’s large retail customers, which are essential to keep public life going, are always able to operate. There have been no cases of infection, which can be traced back to people using a workstation within the company, as a result of the measures that have been introduced. Thanks to adopting responsible behaviour patterns, the number of infections among people working from home has been significantly lower than the average general figures.

Thanks to the progress made within the general vaccination programme and the support for this from company physicians and family doctors, GK Software assumes that most of its employees at its German business sites will have received their first jab during the next few weeks. The vaccination programme will have probably been fully completed at the large business locations in the Vogtland and Saarland regions by then.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Waldstraße 7
08261 Schöneck
Telefon: +49 (37464) 84-0
Telefax: +49 (37464) 84-15

Dr. René Schiller
Leiter Unternehmenskommunikation
Telefon: +49 (37464) 84264
Fax: +49 (37464) 84-15
E-Mail: rschiller@gk-software.com
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