Logistics center for PUMA creates maximum speed and efficiency

On 6 April, the sports company PUMA opened operations in its new highly automated logistics center in Geiselwind to speed up deliveries to wholesale customers, end consumers as well as to their own stores, and thus achieves a clear competitive advantage. Miebach Consulting supported PUMA in the tendering and awarding process following the initial concept review with simulation. Furthermore, Miebach Consulting aided in the realization phase as co-project manager for the sub-projects of intralogistics, testing, and real estate.

The adjustment of the logistics structure was necessary in order to best meet the changing market requirements for fulfillment in online marketplaces, direct deliveries, and achieving faster throughput times. The new European distribution center, which is part of PUMA’s logistics modernization strategy, supports the company’s overall growth targets.

By integrating the new logistics center into the supply chain network, PUMA will be able to optimize the productivity of the overall supply chain. In addition, the logistics space has the potential to be expanded in the future, giving the fashion and lifestyle company a high degree of flexibility to respond to challenging market demands and requirements.

Maximilian Molkenthin Senior Head of Logistics, PUMA says: "The new logistics centre ensures our excellent multi-channel capability and high delivery speed. From the end customer order with the smallest order item to the extensive wholesale order in the B2B sector, we can respond to our customers’ wishes as quickly as possible."

"Corona is accelerating the e-commerce growth which requires high performance in logistics. The new logistics center excellently fulfills this requirement and meets the customers’ expectations for high service and fast delivery. The high-performance facility enables an order-to-delivery process of only two hours and thus sets new standards in customer delivery" – says Michael Greschke, Head of Industry Fashion & Lifestyle, Miebach Consulting.

The logistics center in Geiselwind also establishes new standards in sustainability. The building is supplied with green electricity and a photovoltaic system. Rainwater is recycled via a utilisation system and honey bees will be kept on the 14,000 m² green roof in the future. The building was also designed to meet the LEED Gold standard, which is awarded to particularly sustainable construction projects.

About PUMA:

PUMA is one of the world’s leading Sports Brands, designing, developing, selling and marketing footwear, apparel and accessories. For 70 years, PUMA has relentlessly pushed sport and culture forward by creating fast products for the world’s fastest athletes. The company distributes its products in more than 120 countries, employs more than 14,000 people worldwide, and is headquartered in Herzogenaurach/Germany. Further information: https://about.puma.com/

Über die Miebach Consulting GmbH

Miebach Consulting offers international supply chain consulting and engineering services in production and logistics in 24 offices worldwide. Our clients are medium-sized companies as well as corporations that want to improve and expand their competitive position with innovative logistics solutions. With over 380 employees and more than 600 projects per year, we are one of the leading international consulting companies for logistics and supply chain management. As a result, our clients receive what we stand for: Supply Chain Excellence. Further information: www.miebach.com

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Miebach Consulting GmbH
Rotfeder-Ring 7-9
60327 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon: +49 (69) 273992-0
Telefax: +49 (69) 273992-20

Wiebke Tillmanns
Managerin PR & Marketing
Telefon: +49 (69) 273992-36
Fax: +49 (69) 273992-20
E-Mail: tillmanns@miebach.com
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