FLIR Systems Launches Radiometric Version of Boson Thermal Imaging Camera Module

The Boson® camera core represents the best in FLIR high-performance uncooled thermal imaging technology within a small, lightweight, and low-power package, and now FLIR partners and customers will have the option to purchase radiometric versions that can capture the temperature data of every pixel in the scene.

The new Boson radiometric camera core comes in two versions, 640 x 512 or 320 x 256 resolutions with multiple lens configurations and the ability to capture temperature data for quantitative assessment. The camera core is meant for use in systems across a variety of applications including firefighting, surveillance, security, unmanned systems, industrial inspection, and fixed-asset monitoring.

Assessing Temperature Accuracy with FLIR “Spot Meter Accuracy”

Featuring radiometric accuracy provides ±5 °C (±8 °F) or ±5% temperature measurement accuracy, the Boson Radiometric cameras include a Spot Meter Accuracy software feature that provides an assessment of how accurate a given temperature measurement appears in the scene. Available as telemetry data accessed through the Boson SDK or the Boson graphical user interface (GUI), this feature provides guidance across five confidence grades offering in-the-moment assessment to help improve temperature measurement confidence.

In addition, the Spot Meter Accuracy software feature gives operators the ability to account for dynamic ambient temperatures, along with the ability to configure measurements prior to operation, including adjusting emissivity and thermal gain settings. These functions are crucial for outdoor environments and the swift movements of unmanned aerial drones and automated ground vehicles. The software also offers inspection and assessment features, including spot meters and windows that pinpoint temperature measurement in the scene that the camera is focused on, and atmospheric correction capabilities during post-processing analysis.

40 Years of Thermal Imaging Expertise

The Boson family of thermal imaging cores are an important part of the 40 plus years of thermal imaging expertise that FLIR offers. As a result of this expertise, the Boson thermal imaging cores utilize a high sensitivity 12-micron pixel pitch detector that provides high-resolution thermal imaging in a small, low power, lightweight, and turnkey package.

All Boson cores feature FLIR infrared video processing architecture, noise reduction filters, and local-area contrast. The imaging processing capabilities accommodate industry-standard communication interfaces, including visible CMOS and USB.

FLIR Boson Radiometric cores are available globally today through FLIR and preferred distributors. For more information about Boson Radiometric cores, visit….


Über Teledyne FLIR

Founded in 1978, FLIR Systems is a world-leading industrial technology company focused on intelligent sensing solutions for defense, industrial, and commercial applications. FLIR Systems’ vision is to be "The World’s Sixth Sense, creating technologies to help professionals make more informed decisions that save lives and livelihoods. For more information, please visit and follow @flir.

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Teledyne FLIR
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71636 Ludwigsburg
Telefon: +49 (7141) 488817-0
Telefax: +49 (7141) 488817-99

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