LAPP is a partner of the Baden-Württemberg House at the Expo

"It’s a stroke of luck that Baden-Württemberg is the only federal state to present itself among 190 countries at the Expo in Dubai. We should be proud of this," says Andreas Lapp, Chairman of the Board of LAPP Holding AG. The Lapp family is therefore committed to the state’s dedication to the Expo and will support the project as a partner of the Baden-Württemberg house with conviction.

"Baden-Württemberg is an internationally networked industrial and technology location and has one of the highest export volumes compared with other states. We need to do everything we can to ensure that our business location remains successful," adds Andreas Lapp.

The Lapp family sees great opportunities for its company in the partnership with the Baden-Württemberg house. "We are an internationally active company. For us, the Expo in Dubai is an excellent opportunity to present LAPP’s connection solutions and innovative strength to a global audience," says Andreas Lapp.

LAPP has also had its own very successful sales company in Dubai for many years with LAPP Middle East. For LAPP, the Middle East is an important region with great potential for growth, extending from Saudi Arabia and Oman to Syria.

Around 25 million visitors are expected at the Expo in Dubai between 1 October 2021 and 31 March 2022, with 70 percent coming from abroad. Andreas Lapp: "I’m sure that the Expo in Dubai will become an event with great international prominence and attention. Dubai is already a dazzling metropolis and the Expo will be every bit as impressive."

Über die U.I. Lapp GmbH

Headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany, LAPP is a leading supplier of integrated solutions and branded products in the field of cable and connection technology. The company’s portfolio includes standard and highly flexible cables, industrial connectors and cable entry systems, customized system solutions, automation technology and robotics solutions for the intelligent factory of the future, as well as technical accessories. LAPP’s core market is in the industrial machinery and plant engineering sector. Other key markets are in the food industry as well as the energy and the mobility sector.

LAPP has remained in continuous family ownership since it was founded in 1959. In the 2019/20 business year, it generated consolidated revenue of 1,128 million euros. LAPP (including also non-consolidated entities) currently employs approximately 4,575 people across the world, has 20 production sites and around 43 sales companies. It also works in cooperation with around 100 foreign representatives.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

U.I. Lapp GmbH
Schulze-Delitzsch-Str. 25
70565 Stuttgart
Telefon: +49 (711) 7838-01
Telefax: +49 (711) 78382640

Irmgard Nille
Telefon: +49 (711) 7838-01
Fax: +49 (711) 7838-2640
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