SSI Schaefer supports the climate goals of the UN (UNSDG – United Nations Sustainable Development Goals)

Despite the coronavirus pandemic, climate change remains the world’s greatest challenge, as recently identified in the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) "World Risk Report" (…). One thing that should encourage us is the enormous opportunity that genuine climate protection measures offer. SSI Schaefer is the first intralogistics provider to join the "50 Sustainability and Climate Leaders" initiative. With the goal of promoting sustainable as well as efficient material handling solutions and strengthening corporate logistics, SSI Schaefer, the intralogistics specialist, wants to actively contribute to achieving the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Steffen Bersch, CEO of the SSI Schaefer Group, explains, "The initiative we have joined is based on the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. We at SSI Schaefer are committed to these goals. As a leading international supplier of warehouse and logistics systems, we have been dealing with sustainable solutions for a long time. We need an economically efficient as well as sustainable logistics organization to reduce energy consumption, CO2 emissions, and costs while promoting short supply chains and healthy working conditions."

The following references show examples of how SSI Schaefer, as an enabler for its customers with sustainable material handling solutions, is contributing to several of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (

Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture.

Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all.

Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.

Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.

Goals 2, 7 and 9:

In the area of food safety and high throughput, reference can be made to the energy-efficient, highly automated distribution center of the cold chain solutions provider ORCA Cold Chain Solutions in the Philippines. One of the challenges of the food industry is that up to 37% of the food manufactured globally is lost due to poor packing, storage, and handling. The material handling solution integrated by SSI Schaefer can ensure the integrity of all goods and can increase accountability and 100% traceability of goods in the facility. In addition, electricity costs have been reduced up to 35%.

Goals 7 and 9:

With an innovative approach and use of technology, SSI Schaefer implemented a reliable and future-proof distribution center with approximately 28,000 storage locations for Pepperl+Fuchs. Equipped with energy-efficient hardware and designed to reduce the footprint, the automated solution harnesses the power of Pepperl+Fuchs sensors in conjunction with SSI Schaefer logistics software for an innovative and custom predictive maintenance solution.

Goals 2, 7, 9 and 11:

Following the UN prediction that by 2030 80% of the world’s population will live in cities, along with the expected population growth, the demand for food production will overwhelm our most precious resources: Infarm and SSI Schaefer worked together to support the change from traditional agriculture to automated vertical farming. They have taken on a clear significance to help make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable. Compared to traditional farmland, the innovation is up to 400 times more efficient (on 25 m² farmers are able to produce the equivalent of almost 2 acres of farmland), it needs 95% less water, 75% less fertilizer, and no chemical pesticides at all.

Exchange on sustainable partnerships and projects

Further information about the initiative "50 Sustainability and Climate Leaders" and the innovative material handling solutions of SSI Schaefer is presented by the intralogistics specialist online and on the social media platforms. The short video summary provides a good overview at


The SSI Schaefer Group is the world’s leading provider of modular warehousing and logistics solutions. With headquarters located in Neunkirchen (Germany), SSI Schaefer employs approximately 10,500 associates globally, along with eight domestic and international production sites, and approximately 70 worldwide operating subsidiaries. Across six continents, SSI Schaefer develops and implements innovative industry-specific answers to its customers’ unique challenges. As a result, it plays a key role in shaping the future of material handling.

SSI Schaefer designs, develops and manufactures systems for warehouses and industrial plants. Its portfolio includes manual and automated solutions for warehousing, conveying, picking and sorting, plus technologies for waste management and recycling. In addition, SSI Schaefer is now a leading provider of modular, regularly updated software for in-house material flows. Its IT team, with a headcount in excess of 1,100, develops high-performance applications, and provides customers with in-depth advice on the intelligent combination of software with intralogistics equipment. The SSI Schaefer IT offering, including its own WAMAS® and SAP products, delivers seamless support for all warehouse and material flow management processes. Solutions from SSI Schaefer improve the productivity and efficiency of customer organizations – not least through the highly precise monitoring, visualization, and analysis of operational metrics for proactive intralogistics management.

SSI Schaefer offers highly sophisticated, turnkey systems. As an international player, it can deliver one-stop solutions to all four corners of the earth. Its comprehensive portfolio encompasses design, planning, consulting, and customer-specific aftersales services and maintenance.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Fritz-Schäfer-Strasse 20
57290 Neunkirchen / Siegerland
Telefon: +49 (2735) 70-1
Telefax: +49 (2735) 70-396

Annika Nolte
Junior Project Manager CR & PR | Global Marketing
Telefon: +49 (2735) 70-9683
Fax: +49 (2735) 70-382
Melanie-Marie Kämpf
Marketing & Kommunikation
Telefon: +49 (2735) 70-252
Fax: +49 (2735) 70-382
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