Markus Hermsen-Huyke joins Uniplan

– The globally operating brand experience agency strengthens its expertise in strategic communications consulting
– With Hermsen’s arrival, Uniplan establishes a further consulting and implementation unit for holistic communication solutions and brand staging.

Uniplan strengthens the agency’s consulting expertise and brings Markus Hermsen-Huyke on board. Hermsen brings with him experience from management positions in various renowned network agencies. At Uniplan, the ‘Business Director ‘ will also further expand the area of strategic, holistic communications consulting.

"With Markus, we complete the agency’s portfolio and are ready to meet the sustainably changing market and client requirements with competent and substantial expertise," outlines Uniplan CEO Rüdiger Maeßen his expectations of the new Unit Director. He believes, Maeßen adds, that holistic consulting was still greatly underestimated in brand experience concepts and would help create more impact at all touchpoints of a customer journey.

The "agency man" Hermsen has the experience of more than twenty years of consulting business under his belt. Early on, he focused on clients from the technology sector and even developed digital services as new agency offerings. In addition to his respective roles, Hermsen is also a guest speaker at universities and colleges in Berlin. Most recently, he was Managing Director and Head of Technology Practice at Hill+Knowlton Strategies.

Hermsen is looking forward to his new tasks. "The conversation with Christian Zimmermann and Rüdiger Maeßen was characterised by the eagerness to ensure continuous development of the scope of service geared to the clients’ needs. I have learned that this is the Uniplan DNA, and I am happy to contribute to this development."

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Uniplan GmbH & Co. KG
Schanzenstraße 39 a/b
51063 Köln
Telefon: +49 (221) 84569-0
Telefax: +49 (221) 84569-200

Jens Kellersmann
Head of Corporate Communications
Telefon: +49 (221) 84569-107
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