National Safety Council (NSC) applauds the U.S. Department of Labor for issuing new OSHA guidance today to help employers mitigate risk and prevent the spread of COVID-19. For nearly a year, NSC has been urging the federal government to provide employers with a roadmap for handling the pandemic. We are grateful to see this support come through, and we are reassured it will be updated as developments in science, best practices and standards warrant.
Employers and their workforces have been grappling with the worst workplace safety issue in a generation. In response, NSC created SAFER: Safe Actions for Employee Returns last April and has been offering businesses with much-needed guidance, tools, and solutions to help them navigate the many safety risks that arose as a result of the pandemic including a COVID-19 Organizational Vulnerability Assessment tool and a vaccine strategy framework. We are committed to continuing to provide this leadership and to work with the private and public sector to keep workplaces operating safely.
Über National Safety Council
The National Safety Council is America’s leading nonprofit safety advocate – and has been for over 100 years. As a mission-based organization, we work to eliminate the leading causes of preventable death and injury, focusing our efforts on the workplace, roadway and impairment. We create a culture of safety to not only keep people safer at work, but also beyond the workplace so they can live their fullest lives.
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:
National Safety Council
1121 Spring Lake Dr.
USA60143-32 Itasca, IL
Telefon: +1 (630) 285-1121
Telefax: +1 (630) 285-1315
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