Record working dimensions for the new XXL-Box

"After the huge success of the L-BOX and XL-BOX, our compact marking stations, we have been asked on numerous occasions to offer a larger workspace in order to be able to mark large parts". These are the words of Eric B. Marketing and Sales Director at SIC MARKING, world leader in industrial traceability, to justify the launch of the new XXL-BOX Laser Marking Station.

Available in 3 basic sizes at a very competitive price, the XXL-BOX perfectly complements SIC MARKING’s laser workstation wide range of products, which makes it possible to meet all customer requirements in terms of cabinet size.

As its name indicates, the new XXL-BOX station offers record working dimensions (up to 520 mm high) as well as great modularity thanks to its 3 standard models (800, 1200 and 1600 mm wide) and its numerous accessories. The strength of this new product also lies in its ability to adapt perfectly to different customer requirements, illustrating SIC MARKING’s extensive know-how in the realisation of tailor-made solutions:

"The XXL-BOX is ideally suited for the classic use of its large working volume, but also enables the project manager at SIC MARKING to offer tailor-made solutions for more complex large-volume marking applications. As Project Manager, Nicolas E. highlights the flexibility of this new product through a large number of accessories. "Automatic three-dimensional axis, automatic loading system, loading drawer or turntable are just a few examples of the applications proposed by our technical teams to meet our customers’ needs".

Requested by a large number of customers, the new XXL-Box Laser Marking Station has met a great success with ETIs and large companies manufacturing large parts or sub-assemblies such as shafts, valve or pump bodies, crankcase, exhaust components but also bodywork sub-assemblies. It is not surprising to find it in the sectors in which SIC MARKING is already active: Automotive, Aeronautics, Industrial Vehicles, Hydraulics, Oil & Gas…

As a result, the international French group had the opportunity to prove all the qualities of its new product by taking up the challenge offered by a major German automotive supplier. The company wanted to mark a Datamatrix code on gearbox prototypes. The solution provided was an XXL-BOX laser marking station, with a 5-axis laser that made it possible to achieve a marking window of 900 x 500 x 500 mm. The project was the result of a technical and commercial cooperation between the headquarters and SIC MARKING GMBH (the group´s German subsidiary) and highlighted the great adaptability of this new product to customised requests and the group’s ability to monitor projects at an international level.


SIC Marking
SIC Marking is an expert in marking and traceability for the automotive, aerospace, mechanical and energy sectors. The company has more than 300 employees worldwide with a turnover of 55m €. It operates in more than 50 countries and has 9 subsidiaries. Its offering consists of standard and customized solutions in laser, dot-peen and scribing technologies as well as various associated services (customer support, spare parts, training, retrofit, maintenance contracts). SIC Marking has a customer-oriented culture and promotes operational excellence to enhance the customer experience.

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42897 Remscheid
Telefon: +49 (2191) 46240-0
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Telefon: +34 (655) 783-193
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