best wood SCHNEIDER goes BIM powered by CADENAS

In terms of planning reliability, best wood SCHNEIDER has already taken future-oriented measures for timber construction with the statics software "best wood STATICS" and a sound insulation database. With the free provision of all products as 3D models in over 60 different file formats in cooperation with CADENAS, the company is now continuing on the path of innovation. Planners can find the digital product catalog in the download area on the best wood SCHNEIDER website & on

Digitalization is also on the advance in the building industry and is changing planning and production processes in all areas. Especially in the cooperation of planners and contractors involved in construction, the loss-free and correct exchange of information is one of the biggest sources of error. Especially in larger construction projects with a large number of trades to be coordinated, planning errors have an extreme effect and lead to longer construction times and increased costs.

A digital BIM building model, which is worked on across all trades, can improve communication between the individual trades and planners as well as the interfaces between the individual trades. In the end, everyone benefits from this increased planning effort at the beginning, both during the construction phase and during subsequent use.

best wood SCHNEIDER would like to make this process optimization available to specialist planners and architects. With the digital product catalog powered by CADENAS, the company offers the basis for the model-based planning method and the associated increase in quality and efficiency. Thanks to the 3D models, which are available in all common file formats, important information such as material and dimensions can be integrated into the planning process right from the start.

More information about best wood SCHNEIDER at:

More information about 3D CAD & BIM data from CADENAS at:

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