Airbus spruces up Kuwaiti government entities’ mission-critical communication system

With the Kuwaiti Government fast transitioning from narrowband to broadband networks, Airbus is showing its strong support through the increased deployment of its secure communication and collaboration solutions in the country. 

Indeed, Airbus’ secure communication solutions; Tactilon Agnet 900 and Tactilon Dabat are currently being rolled-out across local public safety entities in Kuwait to help strengthen their mission-critical communication systems. The concerned authorities will benefit from an Airbus Tetra network and infrastructure, with advanced multimedia capabilities such as protected voice communication, multimedia messaging, real-time location tracking, as well as photo and video services which will help boost collaborative teamwork and operational efficiency. 

During the current COVID-19 pandemic, these solutions are essential and give the local authorities further mobility and access to key features which include group tracking and seamless team management, among many others. This boosts team efforts during these unprecedented times, and helps them gain in operational efficency as the government battles the ongoing global health crisis.  

“Kuwait is steadily moving forward with its digital transformation initiatives as part of a more in-depth development plan. These efforts are supported and intensified with the adoption of secure communication platforms based on broadband technology provided by Airbus.” explains Andrew Forbes, Head of Middle East and North Africa region for Secure Land Communications at Airbus,

 “In terms of National defense, public security, and emergency management, a digital communication system is the key to reinforcing quick coordination among concerned bodies,  especially in critical situations. Airbus’ secure communication solutions are capable of guaranteeing a smoother connection and facilitating safer and more reliable communications for public organizations whose mission-critical mandate is to maintain safety and security,” Forbes added. 

Secure Land Communications (

Secure Land Communications (SLC), an Airbus programme unit, offers advanced communication and collaboration solutions enabling its customers to gather, process, and deploy intelligence. Its portfolio is tailored to the needs of professionals from Public Safety and Transport, Utility and Industry (TUI). It includes infrastructures, devices, applications and services based on Tetra, Tetrapol and Broadband technologies. As the European leader and a key international player, SLC has customers in more than 80 countries and employs around 1,185 people in 16 countries. 

Über Airbus Deutschland

Airbus is a global leader in aeronautics, space and related services. In 2019, it generated revenues of € 70 billion and employed a workforce of around 135,000. Airbus offers the most comprehensive range of passenger airliners. Airbus is also a European leader providing tanker, combat, transport and mission aircraft, as well as one of the world’s leading space companies. In helicopters, Airbus provides the most efficient civil and military rotorcraft solutions worldwide.

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Telefon: +49 (40) 743-70

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Telefon: +33 (1) 6138-8540
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Telefon: +33 (1) 6138-5330
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