Approval for COVID-19 Human Test – Tentamus Japan Laboratories

In these difficult days we are delighted to announce great news from Tentamus Japan. The laboratories are now approved for COVID-19 testing in humans. Tentamus Japan is already certified for testing of COVID-19 from surfaces, but now the laboratory is also approved for the more critical and essential test for COVID-19 in humans.

The Tentamus Japan laboratory is certified for sampling, preparation, testing and reporting for coronavirus in human saliva. The sample is taken directly into a sample vial before transport to the laboratories for testing.

Results can be delivered typically within 24 hours.

The test samples are measured by the accurate PCR (polymerase chain reaction) method recognised by international health agencies.

The test for COVID-19 in humans is approved just as local and international travel is starting to take-off. Business travellers, tourists, and of course athletes destined for Tokyo Olympics can take advantage of an approved COVID-19 test certificate.

All of this is remarkable considering Tentamus Japan is only just coming out of COVID-19 restrictions. However, the Tentamus Japan team recognised the need for a credible and accurate method available to the public on demand; and delivered right on time.

Tentamus Japan continues to contribute excellence to the existing Tentamus Asia Laboratories in: Shanghai, Fuzhou, Hainan, Taipei and Kaohsiung. In total, seven laboratories with over 200 employees, processing over 120,000 food samples annually, with more than 10 years of experience.

We are proud to provide assurance of safety and quality in Asia.

Tentamus Japan
2-2-3 Shinyokohama,
220-0033 Japan

Über die Tentamus Group GmbH

Tentamus Group GmbH was founded in 2011. Tentamus is a global product and safety group with a core presence in Europe, UK, Israel, China, Japan, India and the USA. Accredited and licensed Tentamus Group tests, audits and consults on all products involving the human body (food & feed, pharmaceuticals & medical, agrosciences, cosmetics, agriculture & environment and nutraceutical & supplements). Tentamus Group is represented in over 65 locations worldwide. More than 2,500 highly-trained staff members work in over 2.5 million square feet of laboratory and office spaces. For further information please visit

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Tentamus Group GmbH
An der Industriebahn 26
13088 Berlin
Telefon: +49 (30) 206038-230
Telefax: +49 (30) 206038-190

John McKenzie
VP Tentamus Asia
Telefon: +86 21 34780709
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