KPIT Expands Presence in Europe by Setting up a New Software Engineering Center in Munich


• Largest center for software development and integration in the area of Electrification, Autonomous Driving, AUTOSAR & Vehicle Diagnostics, outside of India

• Will be home for talent across Europe from more than 25 countries

KPIT Technologies – a leading software integration partner to automotive OEMs and Tier 1s, today announced setting up of a European Software Engineering Center in Munich, Germany. This will be KPIT’s largest global software integration and technology center in the area of Electrification, Autonomous Driving, AUTOSAR & Vehicle Diagnostics and will also house expertise in other areas including Digital Cockpit. It will complement KPIT’s other global engineering centers across USA, Japan, Thailand, China and India to provide seamless software delivery into global vehicle programs.

KPIT has been operating in Germany for over 15 years and counts leading European OEMs and their suppliers as its customers. Represented by over 700 employees from more than 25 nationalities, this facility will serve as a global competence center to meet the complex automotive software needs amid significant technology shifts. KPIT has consistently grown in Europe, both organically and through acquisitions and partnerships with technology companies in Europe. MicroFuzzy, a KPIT group company specializing in software for Electrification will also make this center its home going forward.

In the interest of employee safety during the Covid-19 pandemic, KPIT will be taking the utmost precautions for a phase wise occupation of this facility over the coming months.

Commenting on this major milestone, Kishor Patil, CEO, KPIT Technologies said, "Europe is now our largest growth market and is a testimony to the significant investments we have made over the last decade in technologies that will make a difference to the automotive & mobility ecosystem. Investing in this facility reiterates our commitment to bring together the best of talent and drive innovation in automotive software for our clients worldwide.”

Über die KPIT Technologies GmbH

KPIT is a global technology company with software solutions that will help mobility leapfrog towards autonomous, clean, smart and connected future. With 7000+ Automobelievers across the globe, specializing in embedded software, AI & Digital solutions, KPIT enables customers accelerate implementation of next generation mobility technologies. With development centers in Europe, USA, Japan, China, Thailand and India. KPIT works with leaders in mobility and is present where the ecosystem is transforming.

For more details visit [url=][/url]

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

KPIT Technologies GmbH
Frankfurter Ring 105b
80807 München
Telefon: +49 (89) 3229966-0
Telefax: +49 (89) 3229966-99

Mohit Kochar
Global Head, Marketing
Sunil Ravish
Director – Marketing
Stefanie Köhler
Marketing Lead, Germany
Reema Kumari
Team Gutenberg
Telefon: +91 8149773632
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