NETWAYS Cloud works with S3/Swift Object Storage

While businesses grow and their requirements evolve, clients no longer need to anticipate how much storage they might need in the future. With Object Storage NETWAYS Cloud customers can upload and download files as so-called objects flat into an online Ceph storage.
What are the benefits of NETWAYS Cloud Object Storage?

  • S3 / Swift | S3 is the protocol Amazon developed for its Object Store. Swift is the counterpart of OpenStack. You can access the NETWAYS Cloud storage with both access modes.
  • Space | Object Storage provides basically unlimited space for all sorts of files, applications and data.
  • Cost-efficiency | Only the data actually used is charged and not a potential volume size.
  • Temporary Files | Users can store temporary files, for which they set an expiration date. The file is automatically removed after a certain time.
  • Variable Access | The NETWAYS Cloud Object Storage also allows users to make objects public for everyone, or restricted for certain users with a password.
  • Security | Each object is replicated three times and distributed over the two data centers of NETWAYS located in Germany, which guarantees highest security standards. 

With NETWAYS Cloud based on OpenStack NETWAYS concentrates on providing customers with an Infrastructure as a Service, that is simple, scalable, and managed to individual needs. A large pool of computing, storage and networking resources can be used to built exactly the environment the customer requires.
The NETWAYS Cloud combines world-class service with the latest technology, hosted in two ISO-certified, replicated and distributed data centers in Germany.

Learn more at

Über die NETWAYS GmbH

NETWAYS has been supporting companies for more than 20 years in the setup, monitoring, automation and management of their IT infrastructures based on Open Source. In the cloud/hosting sector, the managed and web services provider covers the complete range of services: from managed SaaS through containers with Kubernetes to clouds with OpenStack. NETWAYS’ ISO-certified data centers located in Germany guarantee maximum security and performance.

For further information visit

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Deutschherrnstr. 15-19
90429 Nürnberg
Telefon: +49 (911) 92885-0
Telefax: +49 (911) 92885-77

Julia Hornung
Marketing Manager
Telefon: +49 (911) 92885-0
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