VPC-3350AI: Faster Performance for AI at the Edge

AAEON, a leader in AI and edge computing solutions, announces the VPC-3350AI embedded PC featuring Intel® Movidius® Myriad™ X. Built for industrial and in-vehicle use, the VPC-3350AI provides faster and smoother AI processing compared to similar systems which rely on CPU performance alone.

The VPC-3350AI is based on a flexible platform powered by Intel® Atom™ x5 E3940 (formerly Apollo Lake) paired with two Intel® Movidius® Myriad™ X VPU modules. Together, these modules provide the VPC-3350AI with processing speeds up to 210 FPS and 8 TOPs as a dedicated neural network accelerator (evaluated by GooLeNet). This configuration of two VPUs with processor allows the VPC-3350AI to support asynchronous processing of AI models, allowing for higher framerates and faster, smoother image processing for AI inferences.

The VPC-3350AI features an innovative thermal solution providing wide temperature operations from -20°C to 60°C, perfect for operating in almost any environment. The VPC-3350AI is designed with an assortment of I/O ports including four POE ports, two COM, and USB 3.2 Gen 1 ports, allowing for flexibility to integrate with any project. AAEON’s industry leading OEM/ODM and manufacturer services provide options for clients to configure the VPC-3350AI to their needs, including providing up to four Intel Movidius Myriad X VPUs, expanded I/O and functionality for in-vehicle operations.

With Intel Movidius Myriad X, the VPC-3350AI is a perfect fit for AI and edge computing applications, including license plate and facial recognition. As an in-vehicle AI embedded system, it helps to power driver safety applications such as advanced driver-assist systems (ADAS) or driver monitoring and behavior analysis for heavy vehicle operators.

“With flexible design and AI processing powered by Intel Movidius Myriad X, the VPC-3350AI is the choice for vital embedded applications which rely on processing of visual data,” said Josh Chen, Product Manager with AAEON’s Network Security Division. “With its flexible design, the VPC-3350AI offers several key advantages as a solution for many of today’s AI and edge computing needs.”

Über die AAEON Technology GmbH

Established in 1992, AAEON is one of the leading designers and manufacturers of professional intelligent IoT solutions. Committed to innovative engineering, AAEON provides reliable and high quality computing platforms, including industrial motherboards and systems, industrial displays, rugged tablets, embedded controllers, network appliances and related accessories, as well as integrated solutions. AAEON also has the hardware and services for premier OEM/ODMs and system integrators worldwide. As an Associate Member of the Intel® Internet of Things Solutions Alliance, AAEON offers customized end-to-end services from initial product conceptualization and board product development to mass manufacturing and after-sales service programs. For an introduction to AAEON’s expansive line of products and services, visit www.aaeon.com.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

AAEON Technology GmbH
Monzastrasse 4e
63225 Langen
Telefon: +49 (6103) 37479-00
Telefax: +49 (6103) 37479-49

Aaron Ramirez
E-Mail: AaronRamirez@aaeon.com.tw
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