New to Industry 4.0

Pixel-Plus combines data streams from multidimensional TOF ("time-of-flight") sensors with signals from high-resolution color cameras, creating digital representations of real objects. These "digital twins" offer a much higher level of information than solely camera- or sensor-based solutions.

Together with the Linz Center of Mechatronics (LCM), an innovative digital approach to hydraulic sintering presses that will achieve significant energy savings is being presented. In addition, cloud networking makes sensor data available regardless of location and thus enables effective status monitoring to optimize maintenance operations centrally and prevent unplanned downtimes.

The joint venture, operated in conjunction with Lufthansa-Technik, will demonstrate high-performance 3-D inspection of aerospace components. Because of the sheer size of the objects tested, the highly precise measuring technology goes to the object rather than the other way around.

The ICE3 IO-Link master module comes with an integrated OPC UA server as a unique selling point. This enables end-to-end communication to be established from the sensor/actuator level to cloud structures via the standard protocol for Industry 4.0. The MultiLink® technology offers a second data path, which is available parallel to real-time critical communication at the control level.

Pepperl+Fuchs is one of the world´s leading providers of industrial sensors and explosion protection. Based on an intense dialogue with our customers for more than 70 years we continue to develop new components and solutions, which support their applications the best way possible. For the landmark topic Industrie 4.0 (Industrial Internet of Things) we develop innovative technologies that pave the way to the digital networked production and to data transfer across all hierarchy levels – even beyond companies´ boundaries.

Industrial sensors: focus on the market
Market-specific solutions dominate an extensive portfolio of industrial sensors that covers all applications the market requires from today´s automation technology. From the inductive and capacitive to the photoelectrical and highly precise ultrasonic sensors, identification systems and many more Pepperl+Fuchs offers all current operating principles in a broad variety.

Sensorik4.0® provides sensor technology for Industrie 4.0. Our technologies enable sensors without difficulty to communicate horizontally within the production process and to exchange data vertically – even into higher-level information systems such as MES or ERP.

Process interfaces: secure applications
Components and technologies for use in hazardous areas are designed to fit the most specific requirements in the industries we serve. They guarantee maximum availability at maximum safety. Isolated barriers, signal isolators, remote I/O or fieldbus systems, HMIs and many other technologies offer solutions for a wide range of applications including certified packaged solutions and all types of explosion protection.

Ex-Protection4.0 brings digital networked Industrie 4.0-production structures to process industries. With concept studies like Ethernet for Process Automation integrated communication throughout all levels of an automation system via Ethernet becomes feasible – for the first time ever even down to the filed level.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Pepperl+Fuchs Vertrieb Deutschland GmbH
Lilienthalstraße 200
68307 Mannheim
Telefon: +49 (621) 776-0
Telefax: +49 (621) 776-1000

Irmtraud Schmitt
Telefon: +49 (621) 776-1215
Elena Figura
Telefon: +34 (652) 625-769
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