Interroll General Assembly 2020: All motions approved

At the Interroll Annual General Meeting on May 8, 2020, the shareholders of Interroll Holding AG approved all motions of the Interroll Board of Directors by a large majority.

Due to the ongoing exceptional situation in connection with the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) as well as official directives issued by the Swiss Federal Council and the government of the Canton of Ticino, the Interroll Annual General Meeting of shareholders was conducted in camera this year. However, shareholders were able to follow the meeting via livestream.

The shareholders approved in advance all proposals in electronic and written instructions to the independent proxy, including the total amount of compensation for the members of the Interroll Board of Directors for the period from the Annual General Meeting 2020 to the Annual General Meeting 2021 and the total amount of compensation for the members of the Interroll Board of Directors for the year 2020.

The appropriation of profit for the 2019 financial year was approved by a large majority. The shareholders will receive a distribution increased by CHF 0.50 (compared to the previous year) in the form of a dividend of CHF 22.50.

All proposed board members confirmed

Urs Tanner was confirmed as chairman of the Interroll Board of Directors. Markus Asch was elected as a new member of the Interroll Board of Directors, which consists of six members. In 2010, Asch was appointed Deputy Chairman of Alfred Kärcher SE & Co. KG with headquarters in Winnenden, Germany. Since January a, 2020 he has been Chief Technology Officer (CTO). In addition to his duties, he is CEO of the subsidiary in the United States and has overall responsibility for the regions North and South America. Philippe Dubois, who had been a member of the Interroll Board of Directors since 2003, stepped down from the board for reasons of age.

Über die Interroll (Schweiz) AG

The Interroll Group is the leading global provider of material flow solutions. The company was founded in 1959 and has been listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange since 1997. Interroll supplies system integrators and plant manufacturers with a wide range of platform-based products and services in the following categories: "Rollers" (conveyor rollers), "Drives" (motors and drives for conveyor systems), "Conveyors & Sorters" and "Pallet & Carton Flow" (flow storage systems). Solutions from Interroll are used in express and postal services, in e-commerce, in airports, in the food and beverage, fashion and automotive sectors, and in many other industries. The company is used by leading brands such as Amazon, Bosch, Coca-Cola, DHL, Nestlé, Procter & Gamble, Siemens, Walmart and Zalando. With its headquarters in Switzerland, Interroll has a global network of 32 companies with a turnover of CHF 559.7 million and 2,400 employees (2019).

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Interroll (Schweiz) AG
Via Gorelle 3
CH6592 Sant’Antonino
Telefon: +41 (91) 85025-25
Telefax: +41 (91) 85025-55

Martin Regnet
Telefon: +41 (91) 85025-21
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