Fully screwed together and wired hot runner systems H4016/…

The fully assembled and wired hot runner systems H4016/… supplement HASCO’s extensive range of ready-to-install systems and hot halves. They constitute an attractive solution, specially tailored to the market, with all the system components screwed together already.

The robust, form-fit connection between the hot runner manifold and the screw-in nozzle guarantees leak-free operation and significantly facilitates the mounting and removal of the system as a whole in the injection mould.

Additional advantages include the expert assembly and electric wiring of the complete hot runner system. The connector cables for the individual nozzles and the hot runner pass through individually configured stable cable ducts to the connection box where they are wired up according to the customer’s specifications. This saves users from having to connect up the system and ensures a smooth start to production. The correct allocation of the zones to the manifold heating units and nozzles is documented in a special test report. The electrical safety of the system is also guaranteed by HASCO.

The system layout as described above considerably facilitates its mounting and removal and prevents any damage to the hot runner system when the mould is being serviced. Attachment points on the manifold mean that it can be readily lifted out of the cavity, avoiding any distortion of the system when it is tilted during installation or removal.

The systems are designed and produced individually in close cooperation with the customer, making allowance for thermal expansion and the ratio of the hole spacing to the nozzle length.  HASCO guarantees dimensional stability, correct electrical wiring and a tight seal between the nozzles and the manifold in order to prevent leakage of the melt.

In conjunction with HASCO’s Vario Shot H6500/… nozzle series, the customer receives a hot runner system that they can easily and securely mount themselves. Specially tailored screw-on melt chambers make mounting even more secure and minimise the production risk for customers. The customer is thus spared the outlay of processing the melt chamber geometry and the front nozzle seal zone in the cavity insert or cavity plate. This considerably facilitates their work with long nozzles that have great immersion depths, in particular. The fitting hole diameter (H7) can be readily achieved with conventional processing methods, such as by using spindles.

The wired hot runner systems H4016/… constitute an optimum compromise between mounted systems and hot halves. The offer an attractive price to performance ratio and ensure agility through their very short delivery times.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

HASCO Hasenclever GmbH & Co KG
Römerweg 4
58513 Lüdenscheid
Telefon: +49 (2351) 9570
Telefax: +49 (2351) 957-237

Annette Lampe
Telefon: +49 (2351) 957-503
Fax: +49 (2351) 957-6503
E-Mail: ALampe@hasco.com
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