OSMC 2020: Call for Papers

The NETWAYS Event Services GmbH is looking for speakers for the Open Source Monitoring Conference (OSMC) 2020. OSMC will take place November 16 – 19, 2020, in Nuremberg, Germany.

For the Open Source Monitoring Conference (OSMC), which is to take place in Nuremberg in November, the NETWAYS Event Services GmbH is looking for experts in the field of Open Source Monitoring. The conference is one of the leading monitoring events in Europe. Abstracts can be submitted until July 31, 2020, at osmc.de.

The organizers of OSMC are looking for technical presentations that provide insights into new subject areas or open source projects, explain technical backgrounds, and present the latest developments and features. How-tos, case studies, best practices and outlooks on future trends are welcome.

Speakers can choose between three formats: between the 60-minute presentation, the 30-minute presentation and the Ignite Talk (5 minutes). A question and answer session is scheduled after each presentation. The conference will be held in English and German. Presentations in English are particularly welcome!

In addition to the lecture program, the event includes a day of technical workshops and the popular OSMC Hackathon. The OSMC will take place in Nuremberg, Germany, November 16 – 19, 2020. Until June 30, 2020, visitors have got the opportunity to purchase one of the coveted Early Bird tickets.

The annual meeting of the monitoring community has been held in Nuremberg since 2006. The event brings together 250+ participants, leading international systems engineers, developers, IT managers, users and open source community members.

More information and tickets at osmc.de.

Open Source Monitoring Conference
November 16 – 19, 2020 | Nuremberg

Holiday Inn City Centre Nürnberg
Engelhardsgasse 12
90402 Nuermberg

Über die NETWAYS GmbH

NETWAYS has been supporting companies for more than 20 years in the setup, monitoring, automation and management of IT infrastructures based on open source. As a competent and reliable partner in the field of monitoring and systems management, we accompany our customers from the concept phase and consulting, through the complete implementation of their project, to training and support.

NETWAYS covers the entire range of cloud and hosting services: from containers with Kubernetes, VMs and rental servers up to private clouds based on OpenStack. Our data centers in Nuremberg guarantee the highest level of security and performance.

With the NETWAYS Web Services (NWS) we provide a platform for fully managed open source software. We complement our portfolio with a wide range of environmental monitoring hardware in the NETWAYS Online Store.

NETWAYS is well-known as an organizer of various training courses and conferences, including the ‘Open Source Monitoring Conference (OSMC)’ and ‘stackconf’.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Deutschherrnstr. 15-19
90429 Nürnberg
Telefon: +49 (911) 92885-0
Telefax: +49 (911) 92885-77

Julia Hornung
Marketing Manager
Telefon: +49 (911) 92885-0
E-Mail: events@netways.de
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