Off to new worlds

With the new motor size 560, the Nuremberg-based drive and automation specialist Baumüller is opening up new areas of application for electric direct drive technology.

Demands for the lowest possible life-cycle costs cannot be met with maintenance-intensive transmissions and loss-prone standard motors or conventional hydraulic systems. This is why manufacturers of presses, shredders, extruders, shipbuilders and others are increasingly turning to direct drives. Their main advantage is that electric motors are largely maintenance-free, making them more cost-effective in operation than conventional drive systems.

Maximum torque: 60,000 Nm

The torque motors of the DST2 series are permanent-magnet multi-pole synchronous motors in water-cooled design and were previously available in sizes 135 to 400. With the introduction of the new size 560, the series covers a range from 325 Nm to 60,000 Nm at maximum torque. The compact DST2 motors thus offer an especially high torque density in the low and medium speed ranges, making them particularly suitable for use as direct drives. They also feature high overload capability and excellent smooth-running characteristics, so they also meet high demands with regard to dynamics and product quality.

The patented, integrated stainless steel water cooling system ensures optimum heat dissipation with a high degree of protection. A fan unit is not necessary, keeping noise emissions low. Various shaft and flange options are available for optimum integration into the machine.

A powerful overall system

Baumüller offers the corresponding servo drives as part of the package with the high-torque motors and the b maXX 5500 converter series. Rectifiers, intermediate circuit capacities and inverters are integrated into the powerful mono units. The b maXX 5500 series is available with various cooling methods, providing the right cooling option for every application.

When operating the DST2 560, several converters can run on a single motor. Thanks to an integrated functionality in the servo drive, multiple-wound motors can be operated without splitting the encoder cable because the actual encoder values are communicated via the field bus. The advantages of this are that the number of multiple windings is not limited, no additional wiring is required and different encoder systems such as resolvers or absolute encoders can be used. This makes it possible to select a cost-optimized, demand-compliant solution.

A further option provides security in the event of damage to the insulation system. A redundant winding system allows the motor to continue operating with reduced power in such a case. This eliminates the risk of a costly complete failure.

With the combination of motor and converter, Baumüller offers a powerful, scalable drive system for applications in the high power range. The Baumüller simulation software ProSimulation offers further advantages for machine design. With it, the development time for machines and systems with Baumüller high-torque motors can be significantly reduced. Various force and motion curves can be tested very easily on a PC, output curves can be simulated, and commissioning can be carried out virtually. This saves time, reduces costs for complex prototypes, and prevents mechanical problems during commissioning.

Über die Baumüller Gruppe

Based in Nuremberg, Baumüller is a leading manufacturer of electric drive and automation systems. At production sites in Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovenia and China as well as in over 40 branches worldwide, around 1,950 employees develop and produce intelligent system solutions for machine manufacturing and e-mobility.

In addition, the range of services offered by the Baumüller Group includes engineering, assembly and industrial relocation as well as services, thus covering all aspects of life cycle management.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Baumüller Gruppe
Ostendstraße 80-90
90482 Nürnberg
Telefon: +49 (911) 5432-0
Telefax: +49 (911) 5432-130

Stefanie Lauterbach
Marketing Communications Manager
Telefon: +49 (911) 5432-319
Susanne Reinhard
Press contact
Telefon: +49 (911) 5432-549
Fax: +49 (911) 5432-231
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