The Vietnam Telecommunications Authority successfully deploys the world’s first AI-based digital TV RF test full automation system

Rohde & Schwarz successfully installed an AI-based RF test system for digital TV compliance test in Vietnam. The combination of R&S BTC Broadcast Test Center and RFSpark RF automation unleashed the full capacity of R&S BTC, enabling test labs and TV/STB manufacturers to conduct compliance test in the most cost-effective manner. The successful deployment at the Vietnam Telecommunications Authority (VNTA) is the result of Rohde & Schwarz collaborating close with local system integrator Spark Systems.

“Since Rohde & Schwarz and VNTA set up the first digital TV receiver compliance test lab in Hanoi in 2015, we have been actively involved in the development of new test systems for QCVN.63 compliance test in Vietnam,” said Eric Li, Regional Manager for Rohde & Schwarz in Singapore. “Thanks to the recent development in Computer Vision (CV) technology and big data analysis on images processing, we are able to collaborate with Spark Systems to bring this AI-based RF test system to test labs and TV/STB manufacturers in Vietnam.”

“R&S BTC’s unique combination of outstanding technical features and modular, flexible design makes it a perfect match with RFSpark AutoTester to meet client’s strict requirement,” added Jia Xiaohui, General Manager of Spark Systems. RFSpark AutoTester picture quality engine can achieve great accuracy with less than 0.1dB deviation against human tester for most DVB-T2 test cases. In addition, the automation yields consistent result when conducting repeat test.

RF Test automation currently supports a range of regional and country test specifications, such as Nordig, D-Book, RED, China DTMB, ASEAN country level specifications, and with proof of coverage on the future development on test standards.

Comprising of R&S BTC and RFSpark AutoTester, the complete system provides two working modes: a full automation by using AI powered video engine and a semi-automation that combines the instrument auto configuration and human tester subjective decision. Under full automation, the duration for a full round testing can be reduced up to 75% when working 24/7 continuously.

About Viet Nam Telecommunications Authority (VNTA)

The Viet Nam Telecommunications Authority was established through the merger of two agencies within the Ministry of Information and Communications – Department of Telecommunications and the Authority of Information and Communications Technology Quality Control. VNTA focuses on supervising the fulfilment of commitments of telecommunications operators and telecommunication services providers; regulating telecommunications infrastructure, interconnection, telecommunications tariff, promotion, and quality of services; allocating telecommunications numbers; dealing with disputes settlement related to telecommunications issues among telecommunications operators and services providers. It will also regulate telecommunications based on market-based mechanism toward socialism orientation, to promote fair competition, to strengthen competitiveness of telecommunications operators and services providers, to deliver diversified broadband telecommunications services with higher quality and lower cost, and parallel to maintain and provide telecommunications universal services nationwide.

Über die Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG

Rohde & Schwarz is a leading supplier of solutions in the fields of test and measurement, broadcast and media, aerospace | defense | security and networks and cybersecurity. The technology group’s innovative communications, information and security products help industry and government customers ensure a safer and connected world. On June 30, 2019, Rohde & Schwarz had 12,100 employees. The independent group achieved a net revenue of EUR 2.14 billion in the 2018/2019 fiscal year (July to June). The company is headquartered in Munich, Germany, and has subsidiaries in more than 70 countries, with regional hubs in Asia and America.

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Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG
Mühldorfstr. 15
81671 München
Telefon: +49 (89) 4129-0
Telefax: +49 (89) 412912-164

Christian Mokry
Telefon: +49 (89) 4129-13052
Fax: +49 (89) 4129-13208
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