
SHL AG aims to offer customers and prospective customers the best possible service even before buying an SHL system. I will introduce our pre-sales to you in the next few days. Let’s start today with one of my favorite topics: The robot simulation! In the digital age, one of the first steps is simulation. For this purpose, software gives us the opportunity to simulate a very precise process of a robot cell based on CAD datas. So we have initial knowledge about the process, the feasibility and a cycle time. Providing quick answers, information and insights without costly field trials or disruptive factors in the further course of the project is a great advantage. Another advantage is that we can take over data for robot programming. This means that the robot program has been largely prepared and can be used in the case of a collaboration beyond a simulation! Contact us if you need more information or an idea about an SHL simulation. For you another example of a robot simulation that was carried out for our partner Hashtag#HaseKaminofenbauGmbHHashtag#SHLAG Hashtag#DiePerfekteOberfläche Hashtag#Simulation Hashtag#Pre-Sales
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78583 Böttingen
Telefon: +49 (7429) 9304-0
Telefax: +49 (7429) 9304-50

Thomas Magnussen
Telefon: +49 (7429) 9304-19
Fax: +49 (7429) 9304719
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