Quickly identify, eliminate and immediately save hidden license costs with Raynet

Covid-19 has forced many companies to abruptly change their work processes and procedures. The unexpected relocation of workplaces to the home office resulted in double cost burdens: In addition to the already existing, fully integrated, managed workstations in the office and the corresponding on-premises applications, new components for use in the home office were added unplanned.

"Now it is even more important to identify potential savings in order to prevent a decrease in orders or production downtimes that occur in the times of COVID-19," says Ragip Aydin, Managing Director of the Paderborn-based software manufacturer.

In this exceptional situation, it is a challenge to maintain the overview of all hardware and software assets. Extending the software portfolio with Software as a Service (SaaS) licenses is quite easy and fast, which explains the current popularity among many employees.

Immediate overview of potential savings by deactivating unused software licenses

For applications such as Office 365, Jira, SAP or Salesforce, which are part of everyday life in many companies, new accounts are regularly created for employees, which increases the number of licenses. Quite often, these licenses stay in place and are forgotten, especially because employees change departments, leave the company, or change their areas of responsibility. In many cases, the optimization of the licensing can be done easily, saving a large number of monthly or annual costs. With more than 20 years of expertise in Software Asset Management, Raynet is the ideal partner for these challenges.

"The unique thing about our inventory solution RayVentory is that companies can obtain a complete overview of their hardware and software portfolio, including a visualization of possible cost optimization, within a very short time", Andreas Gieseke, Director Products & Services, continues.

Saving unnecessary costs without losing productivity

After a short briefing, companies can use the intuitive inventory solution RayVentory to take an inventory of their IT landscape on their own in no time at all. With a variety of connectors for SaaS applications, including Office 365, Adobe, Oracle, SAP, Jira, Salesforce, Teamwork, DocuSign, Zoom, SurveyMonkey or Service Now, further concrete cost drivers are identified, which enable immediate optimization.

Raynet’s experts therefore offer companies free consultations at any time to support their customers and interested parties with current challenges as quickly as possible.

Über die Raynet GmbH

Raynet GmbH is a leading and innovative service and solution provider in information technology and specialized in the architecture, development, implementation and operation of all tasks within "Application Lifecycle Management". Raynet’s Headquarters is in Paderborn and presently has additional locations throughout Germany, the USA, Poland and UK.

For more than 20 years, Raynet has supported hundreds of customers and partners with its products and solutions for enterprise application management projects worldwide. These include license management, software packaging, software deployment, migrations, client engineering and much more. Additionally, Raynet maintains and cultivates strong partnerships with leading companies in Application Lifecycle Management.

Raynet products and solutions are unique in design and functionality. Their development is highly driven by our customers and partners which is a key reason why our products are always cutting edge. Whether you plan the introduction of a new deployment tool or start a SAM project; whether you plan a packaging factory or a migration – Raynet is the choice for best-of-breed practices in services, products, and solutions for Application Lifecycle Management. Find out more about Raynet under www.raynet.de/en

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Raynet GmbH
Technologiepark 22
33100 Paderborn
Telefon: +49 (5251) 54009-0
Telefax: +49 (5251) 54009-29

Isabella Borth
Chief Marketing Officer
Telefon: +49 (5251) 54009-2425
Fax: +49 (5251) 54009-29
E-Mail: i.borth@raynet.de
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