GERA-IDENT expands production section for RFID hardware in Germany

RFID technology is nowadays considered to be almost pervasive. Thanks to this technology, objects or even living things can be identified and localized without contact. In order to meet the increasing demand for RFID hardware components, GERA-IDENT has now significantly renewed and expanded its production.

Electronics development and instrumentation "Made in Germany"

Ramin Hassan, Managing Director of GERA-IDENT GmbH stated that "demand for the construction of customer-specific ID points and their basic components such as RFID readers and antennas has increased significantly", clarifying the reason behind the expansion of the production area. Electronics research and development have been pushed forward throughout the market; GERA-IDENT is currently reinforcing the development of identification products and systems for customers, as well as cooperating with universities and R&D institutions.

In order to be able to meet the increasing requirements, design competence has been enhanced with new software, whereas the electronics area has been expanded to include new manufacturing and testing possibilities. Additionally, internal prototype production has also been expanded. The assembly area is now upgraded and equipped with more space and technology.

Furthermore, new employees have joined the GERA-IDENT team and new regional partners have been acquired for mold construction / sheet metal processing, painting as well as for electronic components.

"Apart from the fact that we can operate our production completely and permanently in Germany, we are laying the foundation for our future in the IoT."

Über die GERA-IDENT GmbH

GERA-IDENT manufactures and develops identification products and systems, particularly in the field of passive HF and UHF RFID. Being an independent medium sized enterprise, GERA-IDENT has been providing products and services to various international enterprises for several years. The company’s services are subdivided into production, hardware integration and development.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Gewerbepark Keplerstraße 23/25
07549 Gera
Telefon: +49 (365) 830700-0
Telefax: +49 (365) 830700-29

Manuela Elster
Telefon: +49 (365) 830700-0
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