Two are better than one – combined conference power with the API & Serverless Architecture Conference 2020

Just a few months left until the gates to the Serverless Architecture Conference and API Conference in The Hague open.

Due to the great success of the Serverless Architecture Conference and the API Conference in Berlin 2019, Software & Support Media GmbH have decided to bring both conferences to The Hague.

From April 20 to 22, 2020 experienced API architects and pioneers in the field of serverless computing will gather to present the most interesting and important trends and visions for serverless architecture and cloud computing as well as API design, API management, API development, API platforms and software as a service.

Both conferences offer many sessions, workshops and keynotes by internationally known experts, speakers and innovators. 

The Power Workshops in particular are an ideal chance to combine theoretical know-how with practical knowledge.

For example, in his workshop, Azure Cloud Workshop: Developing Serverless Functions in Microsoft’s Cloud, Rainer Stropek will teach attendees how to build platform-independent serverless Azure functions with .NET Core. Additionally, Till Kahlbrock will give an AWS workshop. Attendees will learn how to facilitate AWS infrastructure as code features and will develop and automatically deploy an application without provisioning servers, databases or the like.

Attendees who are interested in the API workshops could participate in an API design workshop with Dr. Roberto Freato. The focus of this workshop is to take a look at the API ecosystem to be able to approach the problem with good insights and to organize things so they are reliable, available and to reduce the overall governance effort. Another possibility is Matthias Biel’s API Security Workshop. This workshop offers an introduction to API security with OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect.

There’s no better way to learn what you need for your own project! And there’s no better time to get a ticket – attendees can save up to €404 and will get a free Raspberry Pi or C64 Mini if they buy before the Very Early Bird offer runs out on February 13! There’s also a 10% discount for teams.

With this Very Early Bird discount, attendees will not only embark on the journey of upgrading their skill sets, live coding, and gaining knowledge from international experts with years of experience, they will also be saving money as they will be getting two conferences for the price of one.

More information:






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