Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Comparison: Cloud versus Software-defined On-Premises Archiving Solutions

IT analyst and validation firm ESG evaluated the overall costs of archive storage solutions, comparing the leading public cloud storage options with iTernity’s on-premises scale-out platform iCAS FS. The results may surprise IT leaders and challenge commonly accepted assumptions about cloud storage.

The promise of cloud storage is simple: greater agility, increased ease of use, and, most importantly, lower costs. IT investment decisions should never be based on promises, but rather on facts, which is why iTernity commissioned Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) to compare the economic benefits of its on-premises archiving platform iCAS FS with the total cost of cloud storage. The results, published in a new ESG validation report, Quantifying the Economic Benefits of the iTernity iCAS FS Archival Storage Platform, are impressive, as ESG uncovered that cloud solutions result in a total cost of ownership 53% higher than the examined on-premises archiving solution.

“IT organizations need intelligent storage solutions that allow them to retain data in a way that fosters compliance and is easy for customers to use to compensate for skill shortages,” said Christophe Bertrand, Senior Analyst, ESG. “Archives don’t have to reside in a public cloud to be cost-effective and operationally efficient. Companies should always compare and contrast the benefits of cloud options with other solutions and consider a wide variety of criteria to optimize their IT investments. With iCAS FS, iTernity is in the right spot to solve the modern challenges of efficient and compliant archiving.”

The results of the ESG total cost of ownership (TCO) study draw a clear picture of how organizations can solve the challenges of future-proof archiving. In the report, the validation analysts arrived at the following key conclusions:



  • ESG economic modelling indicates that the total cost of ownership for a one petabyte iCAS FS archive (including the cost of capital, power, space and cooling associated with on-premises storage) is 53% less than the cost of public cloud storage over five years


  • iCAS FS can fulfill the promises of public cloud storage on-premises at a lower overall cost


  • 61% less time to manage with the zero-touch model compared to public cloud


  • iCAS FS also provides clear advantages in compliance and security



“iTernity iCAS FS combines the best features of on-premises and public cloud storage for compliance-driven archival workflows: low cost on-premises storage that scales without limits, a zero-touch support model, and built-in compliance capabilities, including WORM, retention management, and end-to-end encryption,” said Brian Garrett, EVP, Validation Services, ESG. “Our five-year total cost of ownership analysis for a typical archival application in the medical industry confirmed that iCAS FS reduces the cost of delivering archival storage-as-a-service by 53% or more compared to the public cloud.”

iCAS FS is a scale-out data archiving solution that includes WORM and retention management functionality. The software-defined platform is built on standard hardware and enables long-term archiving of business data from various sources. The auto-managed system requires no special expertise, time for training, or administration.

The full TCO comparison will be available for download here:


ESG Economic Validation: Quantifying the Economic Benefits of the iTernity iCAS FS Archival Storage Platform

ESG Website

iTernity Website

About ESG:

Enterprise Strategy Group is an IT analyst, research, validation, and strategy firm that provides market intelligence and actionable insight to the global technology community. ESG is increasingly recognized as one of the world’s leading and most influential technology analyst firms.

Über die iTernity GmbH

iTernity is a leading provider of compliant archiving solutions, enabling organizations to securely retain their business data for the long term. Its Software-Defined Archiving approach is the foundation for future-proof data storage and legally compliant archiving, providing hardware independence, flexibility, and integrity protection at low cost.

As a GDPR-compliant archive storage solution, iTernity iCAS protects the integrity and availability of important data and manages retention policies at the storage level. For more information visit

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

iTernity GmbH
Heinrich-von-Stephan-Str. 21
79100 Freiburg
Telefon: +49 (761) 590 34 810

Marcel Czech
Marketing Manager
Telefon: +49 (761) 59034814
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