Four Well-Known Members Strengthen IDSA

The International Data Spaces Association (IDSA) is pleased to announce that four new membersjoined the Association: FIR at RWTH Aachen, Google, Hitachi and iNNOVO Cloud. They will contribute to make IDS a global standard for the sovereign use of data.

Lars Nagel, CEO of IDSA, stressed that “their decision to join the association and to strengthen our efforts on data sovereignty highlights the importance of what we are about to achieve. Having global players and innovative partners in the association shows us that we are taking the right path.”

The Institute for Industrial Management FIR is a non-profit research institution at RWTH Aachen University concerned with business organization, information logistics and corporate IT. It aims at establishing the organizational basis for the digitally integrated company of the future. FIR is active in the field of Smart City, especially in the context of inter-communal cooperation. In this area, the sovereign management of user data is essential – and can be achieved with IDS.

Google is one of the major players in data trading and sharing worldwide. The company provides integrated and end-to-end big data solutions to capture, process, analyse and transfer data in a single platform. Their membership highlights the growing importance of IDS as an international standard for exchanging data on a trustworthy and self-regulated basis.

Hitachi has more than a century experience in manufacturing. The Japanese company operates eleven business segments, ranging from IT systems to construction machinery. Since 2016, the IoT platform Lumada is Hitachi’s solution for companies turning data into insights to drive their digital innovation. Together with Hitachi, IDSA will promote the Japanese-European cooperation on data sharing in a sovereign manner.

iNNOVO Cloud is a German cloud service provider, which implements and operates IT-as-a-service platforms (ITaaS) in cloud environments. These platforms consist of standardized components that can be configured individually according to customer requirements. iNNOVO Cloud has already joined the IDS Launching Coalition and will set an IDS use case to be ready by September 2020. 

Über International Data Spaces e. V.

The International Data Spaces (IDS) are a peer-to-peer network, a virtual data space that supports the secure exchange and the simple linking of data in business eco-systems on the basis of standards and by means of common governance models. IDS is managed by the International Data Spaces Association, a European non-profit association with currently more than 100 members from numerous industries, ICT and research across 20 countries, predominantly European.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

International Data Spaces e. V.
Emil-Figge-Str. 80
44227 Dortmund
Telefon: +49 (231) 70096-501

Nora Gras
Senior Communications Manager
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