Tried and tested and versatile – GEMÜ 1436 cPos with new Profinet fieldbus interface

With the new Profinet fieldbus interface, the GEMÜ 1436 cPos positioner achieves a transmission rate up to 8 x higher. However, the option to perform all setting options easily via the fieldbus interface instead of having to enter these locally on the operating unit remains unchanged. In this way, the process data for controlling the valve position is also transmitted digitally. The new fieldbus type with Profinet also offers other practical benefits for the user, such as a more stable connection and additional configuration options.

In addition to the "standard" versions with analogue signals (0/4…20 mA) and the already available DeviceNet versions and Profibus DP, the electro-pneumatic positioner is now also available with Profinet, the industrial Ethernet standard, which will increasingly become the established standard in the near future in the automation sector.

GEMÜ is therefore expanding its product range in the area of positioners for pneumatically operated equipment. To achieve the widest range of control tasks, the valve specialist now offers a complete product range of positioners. In doing so, the individual series each have specific features and characteristics whereby a balance must always be struck between wide-ranging functionality and cost/benefits.

Über die GEMÜ Gebr. Müller Apparatebau GmbH & Co. KG

The GEMÜ Group develops and manufactures valves, measurement and control systems for liquids, vapours and gases. GEMÜ is a global market leader when it comes to solutions for sterile applications.

The globally focused, independent family-owned enterprise was founded in 1964. In 2011, Gert Müller took over as Managing Partner together with his cousin Stephan Müller, becoming the second generation to run the company.

The Group achieved a turnover of over €330 million in 2019 and currently employs over 1900 members of staff worldwide, over 1100 of whom are in Germany. They have six manufacturing locations: Germany, Switzerland and France, as well as China, Brazil and the USA. Their worldwide marketing is carried out across 27 subsidiaries, coordinated from Germany. Thanks to a large network of commercial partners, GEMÜ is now active in over 50 countries on all continents.

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Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

GEMÜ Gebr. Müller Apparatebau GmbH & Co. KG
Fritz-Müller-Straße 6-8
74653 Ingelfingen-Criesbach
Telefon: +49 (7940) 123-0
Telefax: +49 (7940) 123-192

Ivona Meißner
Corporate Communication
Telefon: +49 (7940) 123-708
Fax: +49 (7940) 123-487
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