Highest durability for in-cylinder position sensing: Novotechnik announce TF1 series linear sensor for mobile hydraulics and harsh-environment industrial equipment

Recently launched by Novotechnik, the advanced measuring technologies leader, and available from Variohm EuroSensor, TM1 series linear position sensors are designed for simple and direct integration within hydraulic/pneumatic cylinders or harsh-environment machinery. With a working range of up to 2 metres, an absolute positioning resolution of 0.1 mm and no speed limit, the new sensor features Novotechnik´s ´touchless´ magnetostrictive measurement technology for uncompromised durability, maximum reliability and a mechanically unlimited working life.

Aimed at demanding position and speed sensing tasks on mobile construction equipment, agricultural and industrial machinery, the TM1´s installation flexibility includes integration on single- or double-acting cylinders with a choice of plug-in or screw flange mounting. The cost effective sensor is also suitable for external mounting. For in-cylinder applications, high pressure resistance is guaranteed up to 350 bar and up 450 bar for pressure peaks, with a temperature rating that covers -40 °C to +105 °C. The sensor has a standard protection rating to IP67 and optional to IP69K for the plug-in flange version¤ Its MTTF life rating is more than 20 years.

With a nominal supply voltage of 12…24 VDC, the output signal can be optionally specified for analogue current, voltage or CANopen and CAN SAE J1939 field bus interfaces. Working length is specified in 25 mm intervals from 50 mm up to to 2 metres. The separate ring-shaped magnetic position marker is available in a wide choice of designs to facilitate straightforward installation and both plug-in and screw mount versions can be supplied with flying leads, a bulkhead mounted connector or a cable and connector.

The new TM1 series conforms to EN 13309 for construction machinery and to ISO 14982 for agricultural machinery. RF protection is up to 200V/m meeting ISO 11452-2, exceeding the E1 requirements of the German Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA).

As Novotechnik´s exclusive UK distribution partner, Variohm provides comprehensive support for the TM1 series and the German manufacturer´s complete range of linear and rotary position sensors. Variohm EuroSensor is a UK-based manufacturer, distributor and supply chain partner providing wide-ranging sales and application support throughout its extensive range of position, force, pressure, load, and temperature sensor technologies – for cost effective solutions to demanding measurement applications across industry, construction, agriculture, motorsports, research and more.

Über Variohm Eurosensor Ltd

Variohm EuroSensor is a manufacturer, distributor and supply chain partner providing complete sales and application support across a comprehensive range of position, force, pressure, load, and temperature sensor technologies – for demanding measurement applications across industry, construction, agriculture, motorsports, research and more.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Variohm Eurosensor Ltd
Hans-Bunte-Straße 8
69123 Heidelberg
Telefon: +49 (6221) 3920100
Telefax: +49 (6221) 7722-44

Graham Pattison
Telefon: +44 (1327) 351004
E-Mail: graham@variohm.com
Carsten Walther
Telefon: +49 (6221) 7722-33
Fax: +49 (6221) 7722-44
E-Mail: carsten@variohm.com
Eddie Palmer
Telefon: +44 (7748) 815-825
E-Mail: e.palmer@mepax.com
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