microTOOL is sponsoring the third European Business Analysis Day

The third European Business Analysis Day will take place on 14-15 May 2020 in Frankfurt/Main. The motto is: "Closing the Gaps with Business Analysis". Which gaps should be closed at this conference? The English-speaking business analyst community will discuss how to discover gaps in the project portfolio, how to close communication gaps between stakeholders, and how to use artificial intelligence to identify gaps. The discussion will start with keynote speeches by Sudan Jackson (REWE Digital) and Patricia Salgado (The Walker Research Company). The Berlin-based microTOOL GmbH is again sponsoring the BA-Day.

microTOOL supported the European Business Analysis Day from the beginning. Managing Director Ursula Meseberg was already involved in the premiere in 2018 with a talk on agile business analysis. Rainer Wendt, President of the German IIBA® Chapter, has launched the event to further promote networking and the exchange of business analysts in Europe. Within two years, he made the conference a leading business analysis event in Central Europe with around 150 participants.

In 2020, even more participants are expected to attend the third edition of the BA-Day. Six workshops on topics such as SAFe®, digital transformation, ASAP (Agile Strategic Analysis and Planning), mindfulness and service design will take place on 14 May. On May 15, three parallel tracks will feature presentations by internationally renowned business analysts such as Elizabeth Larson, Kathy Berkridge, Michel Raimondo and many more. The organiser masventa is offering an early bird discount on tickets until 31 January 2020. The full programme and online registration is available on the 3rd European Business Analysis Day website at: https://ba-day.com/

Über die microTOOL GmbH

Berlin-based microTOOL GmbH has been a leading provider of tools for project management, requirements engineering and software development for more than 35 years. The company’s products include the Application Lifecycle Management Software objectiF RPM, the Requirements Engineering Software objectiF RM and the Project Management Software in-STEP BLUE.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

microTOOL GmbH
Pettenkoferstraße 4b
10247 Berlin
Telefon: +49 (30) 467086-0
Telefax: +49 (30) 4644714

Tanja Sadrinna
Telefon: +49 (30) 467086-34
E-Mail: tanja.sadrinna@microtool.de
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