Konrad Technologies Strengthens Presence in Asia Pacific Region

Konrad Technologies (KT) today announced the appointment of Murali Ravindran as Managing Director of Konrad Technologies Asia to grow and strengthen presence in the Asia Pacific technology sector.

Konrad Technologies employs engineers and management in leading Asia Pacific tech cities including Bengaluru, Shanghai and Seoul. Konrad Technologies will continue expanding to support new and growing opportunities in Asia and Pacific regions.

Michael Konrad CEO of Konrad Technologies, said:

“We have appointed Murali Ravindran as Managing Director-Asia to continue our growth and customer success across the Asia and Pacific regions. Murali brings extensive industry experience and I am confident he will play a defining role in realizing KT’s long-term vision.”

Murali Ravindran Managing Director of Konrad Technologies Asia, said:

“Asia is at the core of several innovations. I am honored to lead Konrad Technologies Asia team and look forward to collaborating with our valued customers solving their test, measurement and validation challenges.”

Konrad Technologies is the provider of value added, platform based automated test solutions used to solve the world´s most complex engineering challenges.

Automotive Testing Expo India

Konrad Technologies to highlight Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL), Driver-in-the-Loop (DIL) and Vehicle-in-the-Loop (VIL) with Sensor Fusion at Automotive Testing Expo India 2020.

The Automotive Testing Expo (ATE) India is Southern India’s largest vehicle and component testing and validation technology and services exhibition, attracting over 3,500 attendees. The exhibition features a free-to-attend Open Technology Forum, where some of the world’s biggest suppliers and innovators will discuss industry hot topics. The event runs for three days in Chennai, India and features more than 160 exhibitors from January 22-24th, 2020.

Where to find Konrad Technologies at the show:

Booth 3068 with National Instruments

To schedule a meeting with Konrad Technologies in advance, please submit a request to info-india@konrad-technologies.com

For more information about Automotive Testing Expo India, visit www.testing-expo.com

Murali Ravindran

As Managing Director Konrad Technologies Asia, Murali Ravindran is responsible for establishing Konrad Technologies as the leader in Automotive ADAS test solutions through building strong relationships with leading global OEMs/Tiers and fostering innovation in the company. Prior to Konrad Technologies, Ravindran spent 15 years at National Instruments (NI) in application engineering, product management, product marketing, sales and business development within various industries. Over the last five years he led NI’s efforts in ADAS applications collaborating with global OEMs/Tiers. Ravindran has authored several journal publications, magazine articles/interviews and has an MS in EE and MBA in Entrepreneurship from the University of Oklahoma.

Über die Konrad GmbH

Konrad Technologies (KT) is a global company and NI Platinum Alliance Partner that offers customized turnkey test solutions in the areas of electronics manufacturing, high-frequency technology, optics and beyond. Since 1993, Konrad Technologies has successfully developed, designed and integrated customer-specific test solutions providing customers with R&D, qualification, and manufacturing of electronic products with tools to fulfill their quality goals, accelerate engineering and development throughput. Customers in a wide range of industries from Automotive, Aerospace and Defense, Wireless Communications, Consumer Electronics, Medical, Semiconductor, General Electronic Manufacturing to Industrial Automation use KT’s integrated hardware and software platform-based solutions to improve their performance worldwide. Konrad Technologies is a founding member of ADAS iiT, a consortium that provides a complete test solution for autonomous driving.

Konrad Technologies, KT and Konrad GmbH are all representative of Konrad Technologies worldwide. Other products and company names listed are trademarks of their respective companies. For more information about Konrad Technologies Solutions and upcoming events, please visit www.konrad-technologies.com

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Konrad GmbH
Fritz-Reichle-Ring 12
78315 Radolfzell
Telefon: +49 (7732) 98150
Telefax: +49 (7732) 9815104

Carrie Anne Eyerly
Marketing Communications Manager
Telefon: +49 (172) 1499911
Fax: +49 (351) 7958019232
E-Mail: c.eyerly@konrad-technologies.de
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