Ubimax Appoints Augmented Reality Expert Thomas Alt to Senior Advisory Board

Dr. Thomas Alt will support Ubimax in his function as a member of the advisory board in its strategic orientation and growth strategy. Thomas Alt is the former owner of the augmented reality company metaio, which developed Apple’s AR Kit and which was afterward acquired by the technology group in 2015.

Ubimax, the leading provider of fully integrated industrial augmented reality-based wearable computing solutions, announces the enlargement of its advisory board. Dr. Thomas Alt is the perfect addition to the top-class committee, especially due to his many years of experience in the Augmented Reality market. The board already includes acknowledged industry experts such as Prof. Thad Starner from Georgia Tech University (developer of the Google Glass), logistic and wearable computing expert Prof. Michael Lawo (University of Bremen) as well as Prof. Paul Lukowicz (head of the embedded intelligence research division at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence), Kevin Dillon (formerly VP Microsoft EMEA) and Court Westcott (Westcott LLC).

As former founder and owner of the technology company metaio, Thomas Alt has a lot of expert know-how in the establishment and development of up-and-coming tech companies, especially from an entrepreneurial point of view. Since 2018, Thomas Alt has been a venture partner of the American growth equity company Atlantic Bridge, which invests in promising tech enterprises, such as Ubimax – or once metaio. In 2015, Thomas Alt was able to sell the Munich digital company to Apple where he worked in the merger and acquisition division as director of strategic deals. Now, his expertise in the corporate development of AR companies, growth strategy and about the AR market will help Ubimax to establish and expand the highly topical and innovative business field of digitization and industry 4.0.

According to IDC, the AR market and the total expenditures for AR and VR products and services are expected to rise to almost 215 billion US dollars by 2021 and therefore offer enormous future potential. “With Ubimax Frontline, Ubimax possesses a very mature product which, similar to the MS Office approach in the office context, holistically improves the working conditions for mobile, industrial workers,” states Thomas Alt. “Ubimax’s solutions are the perfect key for the market and have already convinced many acknowledged customers. I look forward to working with the team to achieve our next goals.”

Über die Teamviewer GmbH

Ubimax GmbH ist ein führender Anbieter von industriellen Wearable-Computing-Lösungen für Organisationen und Unternehmen aller Größen. Durch den Einsatz von Wearable-Computing-Technologien wie Google Glass oder Vuzix M100 verbessern die innovativen Ubimax-Produkte Geschwindigkeit, Qualität und Flexibilität der Geschäftsprozesse der Anwender.

Ubimax bietet sowohl kundenspezifische Entwicklungsleistungen als auch standardisierte Lösungen wie beispielsweise "xPick" oder "xMake" für Kommissionierung, Fertigung und Qualitätssicherung oder "xAssist" für Remote Service – als einziger Glass Certified Partner in Deutschland unter anderem auch für Google Glass. Durch das Abdecken der gesamten Applikations-Wertschöpfungskette von der initialen Beratung über Softwareentwicklung bis hin zu Wartung und Support ist Ubimax zentraler Ansprechpartner für seine Kunden.

Das Ubimax-Team besteht aus Wearable-Computing-Pionieren mit mehr als 15 Jahren Erfahrung auf dem Gebiet. Zum Aufsichtsrat der Bremer Wearables-Spezialisten zählen weltweit führende Experten auf dem Gebiet (u.a. Prof. Thad E. Starner), die Ubimax dabei unterstützen, dem Wettbewerb stets einen Schritt voraus zu sein.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Teamviewer GmbH
Bahnhofsplatz 2
73033 Göppingen
Telefon: +49 (7161) 6069250
Telefax: +49 (7161) 6069279

Carly Kroll
PR & Communications Manager
Telefon: +1 (404) 566-2921
E-Mail: carly.kroll@ubimax.com
Carly Kroll
PR & Communications Manager
Telefon: +1 (404) 566 2921
E-Mail: carly.kroll@ubimax.com
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