Unique technology, a wide range of applications

With its innovative technology, Interactive Scape GmbH is a true first mover on the market. With 3M as a partner, the newly developed object recognition software celebrated its global launch in 2016 on the ISE. By now, the fields of application for the smart technology have developed further, as is demonstrated by the upcoming trade fair appearance by Interactive Scape.

Firmly established in the museum sector

Interactive Scape has made a reputation for itself as a reliable partner to museums, certainly after the opening of a special exhibition at the Berlin Technology Museum; the digital pioneer now demonstrates the reasons at this year’s Exponatec in Cologne. With the innovative technology of the Berlin-based company, museum visitors can take a very close look at exhibits. This is made possible by multi-touch solutions with precise object recognition. Visitors can use it to explore digitalised objects or copies and explore and investigate every single detail.

Interested visitors to the Exponatec in Cologne, from 20 to 22 November, can experience how this interplay between physical objects and unique object recognition technology works. In Hall 3.2 at Stand A-080, they have the option of live-testing the multitouch hard- and software.

Object recognition in data analysis

Interactive Scape is looking beyond just these applications, adding further options to its object recognition software since the market launch in 2016. In addition to its use in museums, companies, and public institutions, the advanced technology can also represent and analyse complex data streams.

Ever-growing datasets require new modes of visualisation in order to take joint, data-based decisions. The Easireâ Smart City Framework opens up exactly this opportunity, allowing for the real-time representation and aggregation of a wide range of data sources.

The solution is perfectly suited for the presentation of research data or the representation of urbanisation processes and infrastructure systems. Interactive Scape presents its new software innovation from 19 to 21 November at Smart City in Barcelona. In Hall 2 at Stand A141, interested visitors can gain a first impression of the opportunities offered by Magnify to analyse a wide variety of data streams on a single device and use the framework as a planning tool.

Discover more about the various ways of using the innovative technology at https://www.interactive-scape.com/….

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

interactive scape GmbH
Wilhelmine-Gemberg-Weg 6
10179 Berlin
Telefon: +49 (30) 69894-100
Telefax: +49 (30) 69809429

Susanne Horn
Telefon: +49 (30) 698094116
E-Mail: horn@interactive-scape.com
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