German Start-up revolutionizes industrial 3D printing

After starting series production in the spring of 2019, the company AIM3D GmbH from Rostock draws a positive conclusion. “Our product has generated great interest in the industry with its novel CEM process and we have received numerous requests.” summarizes CSO Mr. Daniel Selck. “From now on we are searching for business partner and reseller abroad to meet the growing demand.” The first machine batches have already been delivered, further orders for the year 2020 were made.

The CEM process developed by AIM3D combines the FFF process known from the additive manufacturing sector (layer melting) with established series production processes such as plastic, metal and ceramic injection molding. The technology is therefore unique and can be used in a wide variety of industries.

“We are always interested in testing and establishing new materials on the ExAM 255”, says the CTO and procurator Clemens Lieberwirth.

Since the ExAM 255 has an open material system for pellets, the possibilities of application are almost unlimited. By using two extruders in the machine, the ExAM 255 enables dual printing with two materials.

For example, PA 6 GF 30 can be combined with water-soluble PVA to ensure a clean separation between the component and the support material. Post processing of the part is limited to a minimum or is completely omitted.

In order that customers get to know the product, the process and the quality that can be achieved, AIM3D GmbH offers the option of commissioning parts and materials as sample prints. This offer is gladly used, so that the portfolio of established materials is continuously expanding. As a result, thermoplastic and fibre reinforced plastics as well as other steels and ceramics were added to the list of established and tested granulates this year.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Industriestraße 12
18069 Rostock
Telefon: +49 (381) 3676609-0
Telefax: +49 (381) 3676609-9

Sabine Machur
Telefon: +49 (381) 36766090
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